Chapter 16- Matt

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Emmie's P.O.V

I woke up to soft snoring, this wasn't Matt's usual snoring this was someone else's a girl. Then the thoughts of last night hit me as I slowly sat up seeing the sleeping friend beside me. Her eyes were all red and puffy as her sniffled and occasional sobs had kept me up during the night. I decided to let her sleep as I looked over seeing Matt on the small couch asleep. He was usual up before me, smiling I walked to him and was about to wake him when my door slung open. Jackson stormed in and soon everyone was awake. Britt shaking and Matt glaring at Jackson.

"I want Britt!" Jackson growled.

"Not like that you won't get her," I sneered comforting my friend. She hid her face in my shoulder.

"You hurt her," I growled.

"Just let me talk to her,"he pleaded his eyes so broken and his body shaking with anger his wolf wanting his mate. It reminded me so much of Matt when he found me carried away by Vincent.

"Fine but she stays in my room with me," I stood up and in a second he ran to her. She flinched slightly but soon found herself relaxing in his arms. He cooed in her ear on verge if tears holding his broken mate. He carried her out and away to their room leaving me alone with Matt.

Confused Matt walked to me, before he could speak I pressed my lips to his my hands pulling his body closer to me. He instantly kissed back wrapping his arms around my waist, the kiss was passionate and full of love only reminding me more and more of how much I loved him.

"What was that for?" He questioned laying me down in our bed his body hovered over mine.

"Cause I love you," I whispered laying him beside me. "And seeing Jackson so broken looking at Britt. It reminded me so much of the way you looked at me."

He growled lowly pulling me closer to his bare chest kissing my head. "How about today is just us?" He spoke in a hum.

"Sounds perfect," I smiled, "I'll go get dressed."

"Bring a bathing suit!" He called after me and I was more than excited for our date.

I walked to the bathroom after gathering my clothes. Not in the mood for the mess of curls I pulled them into a ponytail before slipping on my blue bathing suit and a pair of black jean shorts and red shirt over it. I walked out and was instantly pulling into Matt's awaiting arms. Kissing my head he took my hand pulling me hurriedly down the stairs.

"Clam down!" I squealed almost tripping but of course he was their to catch me.

He smirked, "Just a day to ourselves, I couldn't possible be calm," he kissed my head before we were off again him pulling me out the door. He headed towards the woods and I sighed.

"We have to walk there!" I groaned.

"It's not far baby girl," he smiled, "Just a little ways in I promise."

"If it's longer I'm not going to be happy!" I exclaimed keeping up with his pace.

He kept his promise as soon a small river I had never seen before was in front of us. It was deep and the water slid past the rocks so easily. I smiled and stripped to my bikini feeling Matt's eyes.

"Take a picture," I smirked.

He growled and walked to me his hands sliding around my waist. His lips met with my marks and I hugged him tighter. "I don't need a picture," he whispered. "Not when I have the real thing all to myself."

I laughed before the ground was no longer under my feet. My legs wrapped around his waist as he walked us into the water. He went Till the cold water surround me completely only my shoulders exposed. I gripped him tighter, it was obvious to me I couldn't touch but Matt could perfectly on how tall he was.

"This is nice," I laid my head on his shoulder. "Just us alone, no worries."

He let out a sighed wading around in the water. "It's perfect baby," he pressed his lips to mine.

"It's always perfect with you," he added before I was completely caught up in his kiss, his lips, everything about him.

Vincent watched angrily as the mutt kissed what was his. His anger only grew as he watched her giggle and kiss the boy. He was confused what did he do wrong, he loved her but yet he couldn't have her. But that wasn't good enough for Vincent. He had to have her. Before turning away he looked at his mate and growled, "You will be mine."

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