Chapter 14- I Don't Know

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Read the Author Note please!!! It has some important information!!


Emmie's P.O.V

I looked over at Britt as she sat across from my. We were at our favorite diner after a little persuasion from Matt he let me go out. I sipped on my chocolate shake and looked over at my best friend.

"So now your healed and completely healthy," she smirked, "When are you gonna mate?"

Ah the question that had been bugging me. I knew Matt wanted to each night kissing my neck nipping at my skin ever since he saw I was healed. I didn't know if I wanted to or not, I don't know if I'm ready for the real commitment.

"I don't know," I told her truthfully no sense in lying. "Matt wants to but I just down know. Your mates to Jackson what was it like."

She smiled at the memory, "He made it special for me, it wasn't just some random thing. He made the bed all special, he made each kiss like out last. It was painful at first but then it felt like cloud nine. You recognize his scent instantly as it hits your nose. All you want is him, his touch his kiss. Your life line completely lies on him."

I sighed at her description, "I mean I want to but I don't know about it. I love Matt and after everything I've been through I could use some stability, love."

She smiled softly, "Maybe you just need to stop being scared let it go. Just go for it, it's obvious your in love. The last thing you need is hurt."

I sighed and stood up throwing away my half eaten burger. "I need to talk to him about it."

"That isn't just doing it," Britt sighed as she got in the drivers side.

"Well just doing it isn't how me and Matt are," I sighed. "That was a total lie."

Britt laughed, "See you can't even fool yourself. Fine talk to Matt but he'll tell you all I'm telling you."

"Britt I really don't need a lecture," I groaned making her shut up. We sat in silence as she finally pulled up to the pack house. I went running up the stairs making my way inside and up to our room. Matt sat on the bed running his fingers through his hair.

"Hey," I whispered walking to him in my little skirt. He smiled at me softly his arms coming around my waist.

"How was lunch?" He asked.

"Good, Britt's always a handful," I sighed, "I need to talk to you."

His eyes widened, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah just Matt about mating."

He grew quiet, "Im not pressuring you into anything I'm just...every thing that's happened."

"I know," I cupped his cheek pressing my forehead to his. "I want to mate but Matt."

"Then what's stopping you?" He asked laying me down on the bed.

I gasped at the sudden movement his body over mine slowly leaving soft kissed over my face missing my lips. "Matt," I moaned as his lips fell to mine.

In that second I knew what I wanted. I wanted him, my fingers laced with his hair and my body had to have his touch. Pulling him closer to me his hands tugged my shirt from it's tucked position under my skirt. He slipped the thin material over my head kissing my lips softy before making his way down my neck. I dug my head in the crook of his neck taking a deep breath as my arms wrapped around him still tangled in his soft hair. He kissed around looking for the right spot. He searched for a while till he found it almost the back of my neck where my weak spot was. His lips sucked on that spot before his canines pierced the soft skin. I gasped a screech of pain making him wince at the sight of me in pain. It soon turned wonderful as moaned pulling him closer to me as he slowly sucked my blood keeping his body over mine. He kept his lips to my neck for what felt like ever before slowly pulling back licking the blood from my wound. He moved away from it pressing his lips to mine. In that moment I felt love lust keeping my lips on his. Our lips moved in sync his tongue swiping across my bottom lip slowly my lips parting. Our tongues battled him if course winning as a tingling feeling came across my shoulder to my elbow.

Matt fell beside me pulling me to his chest tightly holding me close. His hands ran the patterns of my marks occasionally putting soft kisses. They covered my shoulder and ran down in swirls as dark black lines stopped a little above my elbow.

"Their amazing," he whispered looking up at me.

"You have them too?"

He nodded as I saw them peaking out from under his shirt. "Can I see them?" I asked.

In a second his shirt was over his head and laid where my shirt was beside us. I looked up at them and smiled pressing my lips to them. "Their on the arm," he whispered. "Makes it a lot harder to keep them hidden from other wandering males eyes."

I sighed and laid back down cuddling into his chest. All I could hear were his spot breaths as he held my bare waist. My body stayed so close to his a occasional kiss to my head. I was in love I was with my one and only Matt.



Hey guys so I have some things you need to know!!! First off my book Prince Of Wolves has hit 1,000+ votes!!! All of you who continued to read this book after the first book in the series thanks sooooo much!!!

Second I am thinking of a new book!!! Don't know what about but as soon as I know what about I'll tell you!!!!

Once again thanks for reading and supporting my books!!!

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