Chapter 13- Recovered

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Emmie's P.O.V

My body shook in fear as Vincent stalked towards me. His eyes dark, "How dare you escape me!" He yelled his hand connecting to my face as I backed up against the cold stone wall.

"Please don't!" I begged for him to leave me alone his hands pushing me to the ground.

"Don't what Princess," he smirked gripping my waist his rough hands sliding up and down my waist. He pushed my shirt up kissing my neck.

I snapped awake gasping for breath my nightmare replaying in my mind. I sobbed flinching as hands snaked their way around my waist.

"Sh Princess it's just me," Matt whispered as my body shook.

"Don't call me that!" I exclaimed jumping away from him.

He growled lowly but stopped seeing me shiver curled in a ball. "Okay Emmie calm down," he slowly snaked his arm back around my waist. He pulled me body to him kissing my head rocking me back and forth.

"I'm here it's me Matt," he whispered. "I'm not leaving you."

"Matt," I whimpered snuggling closer to him my hands tangled in his hair desperate to get closer to him.

"Ah don't talk baby, calm down."

I slowly looked up at him my body trembling. "I'm scared," I whispered.

"Just go back to sleep," he whispered pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"I can't," I whimpered holding tighter to him a new set of tears came.

"No don't cry, come on."

He stood up my body clinging to him as he wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked down the stairs whispering softy in my ear keeping me calm. He sat me in the chair, he turned to walk away grabbing a glass rubbing his eyes tiredly. He got me water handing it to me, he kissed my head watching as I slowly sipped from it.

"Is he still alive?" I questioned knowing he got away but some wolf had to have attacked him.

"Yes," Matt sighed and rubbed my back slowly.

Shaking my head I sat the glass down and kissed his lips softly. "I know you'll keep me safe. But Matt he got to me, you were supposed to keep me safe."

He shut me up pressing his lips to mine as if it pained him to hear me say those words. I pulled back after a second caressing his cheek. "Don't ever say that," Matt growled gripping my waist his eyes went dark. "I will always keep you safe."

"I know Ma-"

He cut me off, "Don't say you know let me show you."

Mate. He wanted to mate I opened my mouth to speak but Dad walked in Mom looking worriedly behind him.

"What are you two doing up?" Dad asked more towards me.

"She had a nightmare couldn't get back to sleep," Matt looked at him standing. "She should probably rest some more."

"She never should have left the bed," Dad growled but Mom calmed him down.

I shook my head, "Don't worry he was just taking me back."

Matt picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs no questioned asked. As he laid me back in the bed making sure I was comfortable he laid back down.

"When I'm better," I whispered rolling over kissing his nose.

He growled smiling pulling me closer to him. "Good, I've waited too long."

I giggled as his nipped at my skin, "Stop," I whispered. "There will be plenty of that soon."

He smirked sticking my head in the crook of his neck. "Sleep baby girl."


I sat on the couch Matt's hand running through my hair as the doctor took the cast off my leg ready to make a new one. She stopped and looked at it weirdly.

"That's odd, Alpha Emmie's human right?" She asked.

Dad sighed, "We don't exactly know."

"Well her legs completely healed," She stood up slowly and sighed.

I slung my leg over standing up and it was like new. I walked around a little Matt looking worriedly at me. "I'm fine it feels amazing."

"It healed in a day," The doctor smiled. "She's a wolf when she shifts we don't know."

"Things that could possibly make her shift?"

"Anger, stress, anything that makes her upset sad. Since she was born with one wolf parent and one human it all depends on when she shifts."

I bit my lip sitting in Matt's lap. He leaned forward and kissed my neck. "Your healed." And those two words I knew what they mean't.

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