Chapter 24- Depressive

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Emmie's P.O.V.

I blinked a couple times becoming aware of my surroundings. I was in my room with a cold feeling around me. Suddenly all the memories rushed back and I shot up seeing as the bed was alone. No snoring Matt with that adorable smile he had as he slept. No soft kisses to my Marks , no anything it was all a blank depressive state. I pushed my blankets off seeing as I was changed into a pair of lack shorts and grey silky shirt that belonged to Matt. My bare feet padded against the floor as I rushed down the carpeted steps and burst into the kitchen with tears in my eyes. Everything was quiet, My Mom looked at me silently as Cindy wiped away tears. My first thought, he was dead, Vincent had killed him or he was horribly hurt.

"Where is he?" My voice croaked out a numb dryness in my throat.

No one answered just handed me a glass of ice water as Britt settled me into a chair her hand rubbing my back. I took one long sip soothing my dry throat before asking again, "Where is he?"

"He's not back yet," Dad whispered holding Mom in his arms.

"W-what do you mean?" I questioned my voice cracking.

"Sh...Darling it will be okay," instantly Britt had me in her arms with calming words and soothing whispers.

"We have pack members looking for him," Sam spoke up holding a crying Cindy.

"But where is he?" I asked again on the verge if breaking down.

They all looked at each other, my aunt Lily looked at Micheal. Mom looked at Dad and Cindy looked at Sam. Britt looked at all of them before looking at me, "We don't know sweetie," she whispered and like that I broke down.

Sobs over took my body as I cried into her arms wishing it was My Matt. My legs didn't work and my body went numb like everything was shutting down. I couldn't live without him I wanted him by my side holding me at night. I remembered everything, when we first met the protective look he had in his eyes when he saw me. The way he challenged my Dad determined to have me. The night we mated blood dripping and he promised to keep me safe. When I was in heat, every kiss felt like our last and ever motion he did with care and love. Everything was a flashback of how much I loved him everything I did was for, with, and to him.

"Sweetie maybe you should rest," Mom hugged my shoulders.

"I can't," I whispered, I couldn't imagine sleeping alone with Matt's warm touch and protective hold on me. I sat in the chair sobbing, the whole pack was on edge, Matt's pack or now my pack, at the sight of their Luna upset. I soon felt Dad pick me up bridal style before caring me to my room. Britt never left my side as she laid with me telling me how everything would be fine. How he would be home the second Vincent was dead. How we would live our lives together happily. Slowly I fell asleep to her talking and hoped that when I woke up I would have my Matt.


I woke up in a sad state, my eyes blurred and puffy. My body weak as I trudged out of the bad not caring what I looked like as I walked down the stairs. Nervously I combed my hair with my fingers when all the sudden I was picked up off my feet and pulled into a crushing embrace.

"Baby," Matt's husky voice whispered in my ear making me cry out.

"Matt," I whimpered holding on to him tightly as my legs wrapped around his waist. "I thought you were gone."

He held me as I cried into his shoulder kissing his marks slowly making sure this wasn't a dream. He was there I had Matt in my arms.

"I'm here baby girl, and I'm not leaving and neither are you."

"You were gone two days," I whimpered pulling back to look into his eyes.

"And I told you I was going to end this, and I did. Baby you're safe."

I smiled and pressed my lips to his in one passionate and deep kiss. He nipped at my bottom lip wrapping me tighter in his embrace. A soft moan left my lips as I let his tongue into my mouth. We kissed for what felt like ever till a clearing of the throat pulled us apart. I blushed digging my head in the crook of Matt's neck looking over at Dad.

He smiled softly, "We want to talk to you Matt."

"I'll be there in a second," he said kissing my head.

Dad walked away and I looked at Matt, "He's dead?"

He nodded and I let out a smile a bright squeal before my protective mate turned on. "Have you ate? Did you get hurt? You need rest look at your eyes, oh my gosh Matt."

"Stop baby girl," he whispered softly cupping my cheek. "I'm going to eat except for a bruises shoulder I'm good. And I'll sleep once I know you been taken care of, forget about me."

But I couldn't, I dragged him to the kitchen and let him eat while my parents asked a million questions. I sat beside Matt my arms around his waist my head laid on his shoulder so scared I would loose him. He laid his hand on my thigh squeezing it slightly and I knew then I was safer than safe.


Author note...

Don't worry this isn't the end I promise!! Thank you all for reading I love you guys so much and thanks for all the support!

Love You Minions

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