Chapter 18- Don't Touch

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Emmie's P.O.V

When I woke up my body felt numb. A thin sheet wrapped around me covering my naked body. A arm laid across my waist soft snores in my ear. I smiled the memories of last night coming back as my urge to have Matt grew stronger. This was heat, this was the amazing thing called heat. Just us making love till we were complete happy and satisfied, yeah we were sixteen but we were mates.

"Morning," Matt's deep morning voice whispered in my ear making me smile.

I shivered lightly feeling soft kisses on my neck as his arm pulled me closer to his body. "Morning," I hummed relaxing into his warm touch.

He growled lowly tugging me closer once more till my body was completely against his. I laughed rolling over to face him my lips pressing to his collar bone. His skin so warm and soft underneath me as my hands run up and down his toned torso.

He moaned in pleasure, "Last night was amazing," he whispered making me look into his green eyes.

"You were amazing," I whispered my lips ghosting over his swollen ones.

"Half of this week will be just like that," he growled before I was pushed to my back him over me.

"I could get used to heat," I whispered moving my lips to his. He instantly kissed back out lips moving in sync tangled together perfectly.

He pulled back me out of breath as he moved to my neck nuzzling his head into it. I'm sure you could imagine what happened next.


A week of just me and Matt, me locked in the room his constant watch over me. Even when it all ended he didn't dare leave my side. I walked down the stairs with his arm around my waist occasionally he would kiss my neck. Groaning I playfully pushed him away making him growl lowly as we walked to the kitchen.

"Finally I get to see my best friend!" Britt yelled running to me as I was pulled into her tight hug.

I hugged her back my arms wrapping around her small waist before the rooms mood suddenly shifted and I was tugged into Max's arms.

"Don't get so protective," Xavier's voice spoke up as I looked him over as he entered the room. "In case you forgot this is my pack's pack house."

"Which means Emmie is only in even more danger with a bastard like you around," Matt sneered shaking slightly. I pressed my hand to his arm.

"Matt baby don't," I whispered making him stop as he pulled me tighter continuing to glare at Xavier as he continued his way about his business.

"Let's be honest Matt," he pressed the subject only smirking as he watched Matt's body shake again. "She would have been safer with me. I wouldn't have left her alone like that. If she were mine I would have made sure her pretty little body was always by my side."

That did it as Matt lunged at Xavier throwing swift punches coliding with Xavier's face. They fought around as we desperatly tried to separate them till mine and Matt's parents came running in. Our dads separated them as Matt came running to me blood dripping from his nose.

"He had it coming," Matt growled looking at the beat up Xavier. "He challenged my love for my mate."

My Dad growled and looked at Xavier, "Get him out of here, I'll deal with him later."

Xavier was pulled away as I cupped Matt's cheeks making him face me. "Don't do that," I whispered kissing his lips softly.

He growled about to speak but his Dad stopped him. "Matt you need to control your anger it could have been Emmie that you hurt. You'll be alpha soon and can't go around and attack other wolves."

"He threatened my mate in my eyes so when it comes to my mate I will attack when I need to," Matt growled glaring at everyone in the room as he pulled me to his body. "It's been a long day and Emmie needs rest."

With out saying anything he pulled me up the stairs. I bit my lip as I was pulled into the room. Something weird had just happened.

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