Chapter 23- Birthday Disasters

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Emmie's P.O.V.

"Just think of it," Cindy exclaimed as we stood in the ballroom that on three hours would be filled with pack members. It was Matt's seventeenth birthday and of course there was a big party for the Alpha. After a long week of tears he was finally better and back to his old hyper active self.

"Yeah Mom I see it," though Matt was talking to Mom about how amazing it would be his eyes were focused on my hands as I played with his long tan fingers.

She scoffed looking at us, "Hello Matt! You are one year closer to being the alpha." She started to tear up making me Matt groan.

He stood up a little taller than normal. He wrapped his arms around his mother just as Britt came running into the room.

"Oh Miss Emmie!" Her eyes landed on me and ran as fast as ever to me. "Come on we have to get you dressed!" She exclaimed pulling me to my feet.

I was about to complain but Matt kissed my head his lips falling down to my ear. "For me," he whispered softly and I couldn't say no.

I was soon dragged away from Matt's hold and up to my room where Britt instantly began to work. She started on my hair taking the long dark curls and making a small little bump in the front letting the rest fall down in perfect curls. She then focused on my makeup dragging the black eyeliner across my eye lid drawing a thin line over my soft nude colored eyes. She added a thick coat of mascara and lip gloss before running off to the closet with a happy squeal. And I was even the same excited way, no problems and after all this stress Matt deserves to be pampered after doing it so much to me. She ran back out with the dress that I slipped on with a happy smile. It was shorter than I expected but Britt merely winked with a simple explanation as 'it was Matt's birthday'. A silver belt placed in the middle and a pretty fluffy pink bottom. I added pink pumps witching as Britt go ready, now I knew Jackson would scold her for how she was dressed, her emerald dress was a little shorter than mine showing off her tan legs. It was strapless and then it hit me. My eyes widened and I moved to the mirror, my dark marks were out in open view and nervously I bit my lip.

"Britt..." I trailed off but she only shook her head.

"He'll get over it, tonight let loose," she whispered before we walked downstairs. The ballroom had two main entries one on the side and the two grand doors in the front. We went through the side not wanting a lot of attention, instantly we looked for our mates. My eyes landed on Matt and he looked amazing. He wore a white button up his sleeves rolled up with black dress pants and a blue tie. His hair spiked up in the front like normal as he talked to a boy that looked a little older than him. Instantly my feet moved and the closer I got his eyes looked up at me. For a second his jaw dropped as he took me into his warm embrace.

"You look gorgeous," he whispered on my ear. "But I find a million things wrong with that dress love."

I blushed and pressed my glossed lips to his and instantly he forgot about all the things wrong with my dress. His lips moved with mine as he held my neck keeping me close to him. I pulled back my eyes looking into his emerald eyes.

"Happy Birthday," I smiled and that goofy grin spread across his face as he pulled me to the other dancing bodies. We danced around and had a fun time after listening to a tear filled speech from his Mom and listening to the embarrassing moments of his child hood. Slowly the party settled to chatter and slow music began to play.

"May I have this dance Princess," Matt held out a hand bowing slightly.

"Why of course," I giggled putting my hand in his as he led me out to the dance floor. His arms snaked around my waist as mine circled his neck playing with the hair on the back of his neck.

"Tonight has been amazing," he whispered as we danced around slowly my body held close to his.

"It has been," I smiled pressing my forehead to his. "I love you Matt."

"I love you a lot more," he smiled.

"Impossible," he muttered before slowly his lips fell to mine. I kissed back instantly nipping at his bottom lip as out lips moved in sync fitting so perfectly together. But our loving moment was soon split by a thundering sound.

We snapped apart to see Vincent and twenty wolves behind him his eyes locked on me. As if from a movie scene he walked in dramatically his anger radiating off of his body. Matt growled and pushed me behind him as my family and his took stance in front of me. I stayed close to Matt peering over his shoulder at the angered Vincent.

"I thought I made it clear she was mine!" He growled. Mothers his children away and a pang of guilt ran through me as I tightened my grip on Matt's shirt.

"Like hell," Matt roared his body shaking. "Your just a rogue."

"No!" Vincent yelled, "I am a alpha and way more powerful than you'll ever be."

Like that I was on my knees with a powerful pain ripping through my chest and stomach. I let out a deathly high scream gripping my head as a loud petrifying ringing began.

I felt Matt's warm hands on my waist. The pain didn't stop as it only kept coming my hands gripping Matt's shirt.

"Stop!" My dad yelled in Alpha tone but it didn't stop.

"See how powerful I am," Vincent growled. "This is why I stepped down to a rogue. So I could keep this wild and remarkable power. And see how well it's came in handy."

Tears blurred my vision as slowly the pain went away as Matt brought me to my feet holding me in his arms. "You are never going to hurt her again."

"Tonight we'll settle this," Matt handed me off to Mom and shifted into his wolf. Vincent also shifted and like that it went as they rolled our of the house blood spilling from wounds. I cried out but I couldn't get to them as mom held me.

"He's a Alpha," Sam whispered watching his son go out. "He can win this."

My lips trembled as I locked eyes with My family and his, "Yeah but so is Vincent."

And like that my knees went weak and my vision blurred before I fell down blacking out completely.


Author Note...

Emotional Chapter!! Thanks guys so much or reading and be sure to vote and comment what you think..



Love You Minions

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