Chapter 21- Healing Matt

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Emmie's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning rubbing my eyes tiredly as I looked at Matt. He was awake his green eyes looking at me. I gasped jumping up, he smiled laughing lightly as his arms wrapped around me.

"Oh my god," I whispered softly, "thank god your awake."

"I'm okay baby girl," he whispered trying to sit up but wincing in pain.

"How long have you been awake?" I questioned helping him sit up.

"A hour maybe," he whispered brushing the hair from my eyes. "I let you sleep your Dad said you refused to leave my side."

I nodded playing with his hand, "I just... you got hurt and I fell so guilty."

"Don't baby," he cooed pulling me on to the bed. He postioned me so I set on the bed between his legs my legs hung over the side. He kissed my head softly pushing my hair back from my face. He pushed down my jacket sleeve revealing my marks which he kissed softly instantly calming me.

"It's not your fault," he whispered, "I would die to protect you."

"Please don't say that," I begged, "You can't die."

"Okay Sh baby don't cry," he brushed away my tears kissing my head softly. He pressed his lips to my neck before whispering in my ear, "Don't worry I'm okay."

I looked up at him and blinked away tears his thumb caught them wiping them away. "You know they are thinking of moving us," I whispered my fingers drawing patterns on his bare chest.

He growled lowly, "Where would we go?" I questioned.

He shook his hard his lips in a thin line. Kissing my head he tangled his fingers in my hair. "I don't know baby girl, but where ever you go I go."

I smiled and cuddled closer to him just as the door swung open and In ran our parents. Matt pulled me closer to him growling lowly, his body vibrated with the sound. I intertwined our fingers calming him down as people gathered around us asking questions and crowding us.

"I'm fine," Matt growled holding me tighter. "Just leave me alone."

His mother gasped, "You are not fine! You were almost killed Matt!"

I lowered my head the guilt washing over me. I fixed my eyes on my feet before slowly I jumped out of Matt's arms. He growled tugging me back but I shook my head, I walked away despite his complaints to come back. I didn't break down till I made it to my room. My head buried in the blankets of my bed I cried, the door locked behind me I ignored the pleads to come back. This was all my fault and no matter how much they told me it wasn't I just felt guiltier.

Matt's P.O.V.

I groaned laying back on the bed, I couldn't walk. I couldn't chase after my mate and hold her in my arms. She thought all this was her fault but it wasn't, it's not her fault I got hurt, I would get hurt anytime to make her safer. She didn't understand she had taken it all to heart after just changing to a wolf and now me getting attacked. Britt and Lily came back with sad looks and I could hear Emmie's quiet sobs from our room.

"Dammit," I groaned closing my eyes. "This damn Rogue is ruining fucking everything," I snapped the small table beside me went flying across the room as I threw it.

Everyone froze not saying anything in fear I would snap on them. My mate thinks it's all her fault but it isn't and it's this damn Rogue's fault.

"Matt calm down," Mom said. "It's okay."

"But it isn't," I growled pushing back the blankets. I fought against the pain wishing my wolf healing would kick in sooner. I stood up and leaned back on the bed a hiss leaving my lips.

"Matt get back in bed, you are in no shape to move," They set me back in the bed and I growled.

"I want Emmie now," I growled and I seconds they ran to get her.

Emmie's P.O.V.

It was hours before I sobered up and wiped my tears away make up smeared. I washed my face and grabbed Matt's hoodie slipping it over my body. When I opened the door to step out of my room there was Britt with a urgent look on her face.

"You need to go to Matt now!" She exclaimed pushing me down the hallways.

"Why?" I questioned as she moved to the hospital type room. She pushed me inside and slammed the door and my reason was right in front of me. Things shattered across the floor a table broken. Matt sat on the bed his body shaking with his head buried I his knees.

"Oh no," I whispered making his eyes snap up. I walked to him and snaked my hand around his waist the other cupped his cheek slowly rubbing it.

"It's not your fault Emmie," he growled, "Why can't you see that?"

"I know but you've gotten hurt and I've gotten hurt and everyone around me is just getting hurt. I feel like it's my fault."

"It's not," he whispered before slowly placing his lips on mine. I kissed back instantly our lips moving in perfect sync, he pulled back a bit only to collide his lips back to mine again sliding his tongue gently into my mouth. We kissed for what felt like ever before pulling back breathless.

"Nothing will ever be your fault," he whispered pulling me into his lap. He laid back and winced when I brushed up against his wound. I apologized silently laying beside him my hand tracing the thick black lines of his marks.

"Mine," I whispered looking up at him through my lashes.

Chuckled softly he gripped me tighter leaving a soft, tender kiss to my lips. "Yours."

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