Chapter 17- Heat?!

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Emmie's P.O.V

I laughed holding into Matt as he dipped me into the water for the millionth time. Water dripping front my face I wiped it away before intertwining my fingers in his hair. It was almost dark outside and we had spent the whole day outside in the warm summer day. Occasionally we would get out as he had brought a picnic basket but us alone in the water it was perfect.

"I don't want this to end," I whispered leaning down my lips meeting the marks that covered his shoulder.

He pulled me closer my legs tightening around his waist. "I know baby girl, I have training all day tomorrow."

I whimpered which only made him growl, "Sh baby girl," he cooed his hand cupping my cheek as he made me face him. A small kiss to my lips, "You always come first, but apparently I have to make up training for all I missed while looking for you. Though I would much rather be with you."

I smiled pressed my forehead to his, "We should probably head back, it's getting cold."

"I'll keep you warm," he pushed my head to the crook of his neck before holding me tighter.

Silence settled around us before I broke it, "When do you think I'll shift?"

He sighed moving around in the water it's light splashing around me. "No one ever knows when they'll shift," He replied before making his way to shore holding me. As we were out of the water he picked up a towel bringing it around my body.

"I don't know if I wanna be a wolf," I stated drying off so I could slip my clothes back over me.

"Why not?" He asked making me face him.

"I just, I like being human it's comforting and I don't have to worry about pack responsibility."

He laughed before I was bridal style in his arms. I giggled cuddling into his chest as he began the journey home. "Sleep baby I know you want to," he cooed kissing my head.

I didn't object just held him tighter before closing my eyes. I fell asleep my head rested on his exposed marks and my body pressed to his.

I woke up with the stomach pains, the bed empty beside me as I doubled over a screech of pain. Mom came running followed by Dad who had a look of anger on his face.

"He is not to be near her!" He growled lowly.

"You can't control that Luke," Mom said as she tended to me. A cup of water and medicine was placed in front of me. "She'll want him and you know exactly how."

"She's sixteen Bella!" Dad growled.

"She's got a mate for a reason," Mom glared. This was heat, a separate thing from a period. No blood, just the longing desire for your mates touch, his kiss, his hands everything about him you desire. It's when he gets super protective his wolf won't even move from your side. Its one week, the first half is full of love, passion and a bit of pain. The other is your mates wolf going protective as pain begins with you.

I whimpered, "Matt," Mom looked at Dad who shook his head.

"I know she wants him but Bella she's sixteen."

"You should have known this would happen soon!" Mom exclaimed just as the door swung open and shut Matt running to me.

"Out!" He growled to my parents digging his head in the crook of my neck.

Dad growled ready to lunge at Matt but Mom dragged him out closing and locking the door behind her. I smiled and pulled Matt on to the bed tangling my fingers on his hair.

"Matt," I whispered his wolf purring in response to my touch.

"I know baby," he whispered before my body was completely underneath him. "I'm here."

He pressed his lips to mine our lips moving in perfect sync locked to one anothers. I moaned my fingers sliding under the fabric of his shirt pulling it over his head. This is what I needed desperately I needed him and only him.

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