Chapter 8- The Question & Kiss

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Emmie's P.O.V

I woke up with pain all through my side while the rest of me felt numb. I winced whimpering softly, "Sh...Emmie it's okay I'm here," Matt's sleepy voice whispered in my ear.

"It hurts," I hissed in pain.

Matt growled lowly and sat up turning on the lamp as it was still dark outside. "I'm going to get Bella and the pack doctor."

He looked worriedly down at me as blood soon started to slip from the bandaged meaning the wound had reopened. Minutes passed by and the new pack doctor and my Mom and Dad were in the room looking worriedly at me.

"What hurts?" Ashley the pack doctor asked taking off the old bamdages.

"My whole body," I exclaimed as pain filled my side. I reached out for Matt my hand latching on to his. His thumb slowly rubbed against the back or my hand.

"I don't see a problem, and I don't know how the wounds reopened. Matt had she been moving a lot in her sleep?"

"No," Matt answered, "She was still."

Ashley cleaned away the blood and remade my bed with new not blood covered sheets. I was exhausted and all I wanted was sleep.

"Xavier is so dead tomorrow," Dad said helping me to the bed.

"As long as I'm the one to kill him," Matt muttered pulling the blankets over me.

"I agree," Mom said kissing my head. "Sleep now sweetie."

I nodded and cuddled into Matt's chest. "I swear I'm going to kill him," Matt whispered as his fingers ran through my hair.

"Mhmm," I whispered closing my eyes.

He chuckled, "Your so adorable."

"Thanks," I replied.

"You know I'd never hurt you," he whispered after a while,

I moved from my position with my head tucked in the crook of his neck. "I know that Matt," I replied cupping his cheek. "I know you would never hurt me."

He bit his lips his eyes locking to mine, "When you were made to go out with Xavier..." he trailed off.

I sighed, "I felt nothing," I whispered. "To me he was nothing, Matt."

He sighed and looked down at my waist. He lifted my shirt slowly and looked down at the bandages. I pushed my shirt back down and made him face me.

"I'm okay," I whispered and then I did it. I pushed my lips to his tangling my fingers into his soft hair. He kissed back instantly pushing me back on the bed so he was hovering over me. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip as my lips slowly parted allowing him entrance. We kissed for what felt like hours both of us breathless as we pulled back.

"That was a wonderful way of shutting me up," he laughed opening his eyes.

I giggled and dug my head in his chest, "I know you'd never hurt me," I smiled, "Your mine."

"And your mine which is why," he paused laying down so he was face to face with me. "We should Mate."



So sorry I didn't update yesterday:( I was super busy and forgot completely whoops:(



Love You My Minions!!

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