Chapter 9- What??

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Emmie's P.O.V

"What?" I questioned sitting up quickly but instantly regretting it.

"Baby don't move," he exclaimed laying me back down. "I said we should mate."

"Matt I don't know about that," I shook my head. Mate? We were only sixteen so young. I mean my parents just let us be together what makes you think they are going to like when we mate.

"Don't think about it, we are mates."

"I know but Matt its just so soon," I sighed.

He growled lowly, "Your mine the whole world should know that."

"I am yours but Matt," I sat up slowly. "Its mating I mean its not just something you can do. Besides isn't it painful?"

"No sweetie, it's not at all painful. If it was you tell me and I promise I'll stop."

I bit my lip, "Matt I have to think about it. I'm tired."

I laid down facing away from him. I heard him sigh before his arm was around me his body pressed to mine. "Don't be upset, ill wait forever." I smiled and closed my eyes feeling his lips on my head ad that is how I fell asleep.


I sat at the kitchen table my elbows against the cold table top. Mom stared at me with a sigh. "Really now Emmie what's got you upset?" She questioned.

"Matt asked me if we could mate," I muttered watching as her eyes widened.

"Sweetie your only sixteen," I groaned as she said those words my head falling to the table.

"But I loved him and I want to but I'm scared," I groaned my voice muffled by the table.

I heard Mom sigh, "Your father wanted to do it but I didn't, I made him wait and he did. If Matt really loves you he'll wait centuries for you."

I smiled looking up at her, "But dad," I whispered.

"Don't worry about him soon you'll be the Luna of Matt's pack. You'll have to make decisions in your own. This is your first decision that will change your life. Do what you think is right."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me. She was a amazing mother always full of wise words. She kissed my head softly before walking from the room just as Matt walked in smiling at me.

"How are you princess?" He questioned pressing a small kiss to my lips.

"I'm fine," I smiled pulling his lips back to mine. He eagerly kissed back his tongue swiping my body lip. I moaned a barely audible noise as I parted my lips letting him slowly slid his tongue between my teeth. After a while of our tongues tangled together I pulled back rubbing my nose against his.

I had made my decision right there, his lips against mine was the only thing I wanted. "I want to," I whispered pulling his body closer to mine.

"Want to what?" He questioned before realization crossed his emerald eyes. "Are you sure baby? I don't want you to rush."

"I'm positive Matt," I cupped his cheek. "I want you for the rest of my life."

"I feel a but coming," he frowned his hands coming back around my waist.

"But I want to wait just a day or two," I whispered. "Just till the home Xavier thing dies down I'm still a tad sore."

"Of course baby," he whispered pressing his lips hurriedly to mine. The hunger and desire to hold me. "As long as I get to claim your beautiful little body soon."

I giggled as he picked me up my legs around his waist. "Soon.". And I was so in love, Every time I looked in his green eyes. I knew I made the write decision. But a couple days weren't just a couple days.


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry I didn't update!! I'm was so tired yesterday and my throat hurt and I'm sorry!!! I promise a second update tomorrow!!



~Love you Minions💜💜

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