Chapter 12- Bites

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Emmie's P.O.V

A week of being locked up, I cried into my knees the pain filling my bodies as I put pressure on my wrist attempting to keep the blood from slipping. His bite mark was deep in my skin blood spilling where his canines had pierced. The bastard knew he would never get my neck so he settled for less going for my wrist, all I hoped was he didn't pop a vein. But slowly my eyes became droopy as I fell to my side my eyelids slowly opening and closing. I had to fight, I couldn't die, I needed to be with Matt. The thought of me dying ripped me to pieces wondering how broken Matt would be. I fought the urge to let go and slip into unconsciousness I slipped the pillow case from the limp dirty pillow and wrapped it tight. The wounds stopped bleeding the effect of a wolf bite kicking in as everything became clearer. My breaths came out in short pants as I slowly tried to calm down but how could I? I was kidnapped, in some random room where no one could hear my screams or my yells for help. My agony and pain couldn't be detected as I was stuck, all I needed was my family. Matt holding me close at night and my Mothers wise words. My Father to say it would all be okay cause he always knew how to keep me calm. I missed all of that every single bit of it.

After hours of finally being calm Vincent ran into the room. He growled and I heard the loud howls and barks from behind him. My pack, I would know those howls they were and a new pack I could tell. Vincent picked me up my frail and week body, no food, no sleep in fear he would attack me and no water. Just my shivering body in a cold damp room.

He threw me over his shoulder and ran out but then I recognized the wolf. My Matt ran after Vincent his grey wolf intimidating and running fast out to the woods. He met my gaze my broken gaze and growled his wolf pushing harder to catch me. Vincent was no use in human form to outrun a angry male. Sacrificing me Vincent only cared of his life as e tossed me down to the ground my body rolling through the dirt. I screamed hearing a pop from my leg. I seconds Matt was by my side more worried about me as a brown wolf ran towards Vincent.

He growled lowly his wolf snout in my hair. He continuously licked me riding me of Vincent's stench and making sure his scent covered me. I whimpered crawling till my body was under his towering wolf the only shelter I had. My fingers tangled into the fur that covered his belly and my head buried in his neck.

"Emmie!" Mom's voice as she ran to me Dad's wolf beside her. She collapsed beside me where I sat under Matt. "Oh my baby."

She pulled me to her arms sobs from is both the only noise except for Matt's occasional growl. Dad's wolf stalked to me and sniffed my leg growling as it throbbed in pain.

"Sweetie you'll be safe soon," Mom whispered kissing my head repeatedly. Matt walked to me a protective and on edge look in his eyes.

He reached lightly biting on my shirt pulling me to him his way of saying I shouldn't leave him. I cuddled into his fur as he sat down.

"We need to get her back Matt," Mom whispered. "She needs to be checked out by a doctor."

Matt only nodded his wolf head. Dad watched me slowly then turned to Mom and she slid on to his back. He took off as Matt helped a weak me on his back. Minutes and we were back at the house. Matt ran to our room and sat me in the bed. It was blue as he ran away and back human form and clothed.

"Emmie," he growled pulling me into his warm muscular arms.

I cried into his chest laying across his chest. "Matt," my voice was a whisper my dry throat unable to reach a higher sound.

"Sh baby don't talk," he whispered pulling the covers over us. "Your safe."

I whimpered, I needed to see a doctor as the pain grew in my leg but I couldn't be away from Matt. "H-he bit me," I whimpered and his eyes snapped to my wrist.

He let out a dark growl and held the frail mess in his hands. He looked at the bite marks before he placed his lips over them. He kissed up my arm and over my neck till his lips finally landed on mine. I kissed back tangling my fingers in his hair finally feeling safe and warm in his grasp. He only moved away when a knock came from the door. Mom, Dad, Britt, and the doctor walked in.

"Emmie," Britt ran to me but stopped as Matt let out a growl pulling me closer to him.

"It's okay," I whispered to Matt kissing his cheek.

"Emmie can you come out from the coverd," Mom asked sitting beside me as the lady looked at me with a soft smile.

I moved slowly pushing the covers away from me Matt's hand guiding me up. "It's broken," the lady sighed with one glance. She did her work helping me to regain my strength. I dug my head in Matt's chest as she tended to the bite marks.

Matt growled and held me tighter, I soon had a cast on a gauze around my wrist and all I wanted was sleep.

"She's been deprived of food and sleep," the lady sighed. "You have to make sure she eats and gets plenty of sleep and water. Matt I know you probably want to mate her but you have to wait she lost a lot of blood.

Matt nodded helping me under the covers. "She shouldn't take showers only baths I suggest someone help her with that."

Mom nodded and so did Britt Matt payed no attention to what else the doctor had to say. He played with my hair kissing my head softly.

"And the bite mark," Dad spoke up.

"I can't tell all wolves have different teeth. I imagine a alpha or a runaway alpha his canines were much larger."

I whimpered and cuddled closer to Matt tangled in his arms my healed leg under his as I closed my eyes. All I wanted was sleep and my Matt only.

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