Chapter 11- Pain & Violation

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Emmie's P.O.V

He walked into the room as my eyes caught only a glance over him from the sliver of light. As the heavy metal door slammed shut his lips turned into a wicked grin his dark eyes examining my body effortlessly.

"Such a beautiful mate," he smirked crouching in front of me.

"I'm not yours!" I sneered struggling to get free. But my words only got me slapped as his large hand connected to my face. My head snapped to the side a sob leaving my lips as my body went limp.

"Do not argue my dear," he grinned, "I always get what I want."

His hand forced my eyes to his, "I am your mate Vincent, what are you to me baby."

His grip tightened telling me to choose my words wisely, "I'm Emmie your....m-mate," it hurt me to say it each word a struggle more than the last.

"That's right darling," he smiled a wicked grin before pushing me back to the bed. "Now I must keep you as mine."

He was going to mark me! But he can't mark me if I'm not his real mate. I whimpered using all the strength I had to move away fighting. He unlocked my wrists and held them down trying to keep my legs down as he forced his knees to my thighs. I whimpered shaking my head trying to keep his lips from my neck. But he was much stronger than me. Vincent held both my hands with his left and forced my head still with his right.

"Your skin is so soft," he nudged his head in my neck kissing the surface softy taking over my hormones. This wasn't right. "So easy to pierce and claim you as my own."

I had to come up with a plan and quick before he bit me. Something that would make him weak leaving his blind spot open. I smiled to myself make him think I enjoyed it. This was going to be hard. "Vince baby let go of my hands," I whispered each word killing me to say.

He caved instantly letting my hands free as I slid them down his chest and abs no where near as good as my Matt's. He moaned into my neck continuing to leave soft kisses. I faked a moan.

"You like that baby," he parted his lips ready to bite just as my knee came in contact with his manly parts.

He hissed rolling off me and I hurriedly stood up taking advantage of his injury. I fumbled with the key struggling to unlock the chains on my feet. Finally, I got it and stood up running for the metal door when his arms came around me throwing me back over his shoulder. With a growl he threw me to the mattress roughly a slap.

"How dare you?!" He roared slapping me again. I cried in pain feeling my nose start to bleed from the force he put on me. "You dirty little slut!"

I whimpered landing back in the mattress as he held me down again. He dug his knees into my thighs growling as I winced. "Matt won't love you like I will."

I squirmed around fighting with my hands trying to get him away from me. He finally let up standing and walking out no word said leaving me broken my body aching. I cried into the mattress whimpers leaving my lips as I tried desperately to hide my body. I used my shirt trying to stop the bleeding from my nose. All I wanted was Matt and that is all I needed, my Matt.

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