Chapter 7- Matt & Xavier

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Emmie's P.O.V

I woke up to shouting, loud voices waking me from my peacful sleep. I couldn't make out words that were being said all I knew was someone was fighting and someone was not happy. I sat up quickly running to my closet and pulling on a pair of leggings and sweater changing from the outfit I had fell asleep in when Matt came to my rescue. I ran down the steps as voice became clearer to me, Matt, Dad, Xavier. I hit the last step and I gasped making all three shifted wolves turn to me. Matt's grey wolf ran to me protectively standing in front of me as he glared at the brown wolf (Xavier) and black wolf (my Dad).

"What's going on?" I asked looking at Mom who stood beside no way, Aunt Lily she was back from her vacation with Michael.

"Sweetie come here," Aunt Lily cooed before I ran to her standing between her and my Mom.

"Matt challenged Xavier and your Dad isn't to happy," Mom whispered watching as the three wolves glared at each other.

"I don't want this to happen," I whimpered, I stepped towards them walking to Matt's wolf as he glared at any male that even looked my way. "Matt calm down baby," I whispered kneeling beside his huge wolf. I wrapped my arms around his body nuzzling into his fur the feeling of love only happened a couple seconds when pain filled my body. I fell to the ground in pain holding my side as I heard Matt growl.

"Xavier!" Mom excliamed and I instantly knew what happened. Xavier had attacked me acting like any other male would react if his mate was with another male.

Matt growled and out of the corner of my eye and through all the pain I had felt Matt attacked Xavier. All of it happened in a blur as soon I was being picked up and taken out of the room filled with growling and fighting into the comfort of my room. I winced as Lily sat beside me pressing her hand to my side. For the first time I looked down and saw slashes from claws on my side ripping my shirt and blood seeping onto the bed. I bit my lip biting back a scream as something cold and horrible laid on my cuts.

"Sh sweetie," Mom whispered running her fingers through my hair. "Britt and Lily are cleaning it. Just breath baby girl."

"I want Matt," I whimpered before a scream escaped my lips.

Minutes of pain that felt like hours, I sat back in the bed struggling to control my breathing. All the pain left when Matt came running into the room. "I should have killed him!" he growled digging his nose in the crook of my neck. "That bastard."

"Matt," I whimpered looking up to see Dad leaning against the door, "Matt I owe you a apology."

My eyes widened and Matt stood up my hand taking his. "I would never hurt your daughter Alpha Luke, she is my world."

"I can see that," Dad said walking to us. "I trust you now after I saw you defend her today and attack the wolf who hurt her. You can be with her she needs you but do not let me down. I'll talk with your father and see what type of deal we can come up with."

"Thank you," Matt said nodding, "If you don't mind I need to take care of my mate."

Dad smiled, "Of course Emmie," he looked at me, "I was wrong, you got a good mate."

I smiled and pulled Matt closer to me, "I know," I whispered digging my head in the crook of my mates neck. I was safe, or was I really?

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