Chapter 15- Enhanced Senses

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Emmie's P.O.V

I woke up to a soft heartbeat. But it was not the one of Matt's as he lay right beside me. His chest Rose and feel signaling his sleep. The sun wasn't up and it had to be one or two in the morning. That heartbeat, it stuck in my mind the constant thump, thump, thump. I sat up slowly a growl coming from him. Please don't wake up. I went completely still watching him roll over cuddling into the blankets. I giggled softly kissing his lips softly before I slipped out of the bed. I had fallen asleep in my skirt my bra completely exposed. I picked up a pair of sleep shorts and Matt's shirt that lay beside my discarded shirt. I walked out of the room slowly biting my lip. The heartbeat was growing louder and louder, how could I hear it? I walked down the long stair case the thumping growing louder.

Then I found the cause of it, Britt sat down on the couch staring blankly ahead. "Britt why are you up so early?" I let out a sigh of relief.

She looked back at me her eyes a puffy mess. I gasped running to her as a sob escaped her lips. "What's wrong?" I questioned.

She held on to me, "Jackson got mad," she whimpered before she held up her arm showing the red scars that covered her wrist.

"He didn't," I whispered before pulling her back into my arms.

"Your with me tonight Britt," I stated.

"But Matt," she whimpered her eyes looked so broken.

"He can sleep on the couch I have you need a warm bed as your best friends love."

She smiled softly as I pulled her up. I walked up to my room opening the door. Matt lay asleep his snores filling my room. I walked over to him crouching down.

"Matt help me!" I screeched as if in trouble and in a second he was up with me in his arms. He looked around the room but only saw Britt the occasionally tears falling from her eyes.

"What the hell?" He cursed under his breath. "Emmie you can't do that to me."

"Sorry but I needed you awake," I smirked. "Britt's staying in here so your on the couch."

He growled lowly till he heard Britt's soft whimper. He sighed and grabbed a pillow and blankets settling himself on the couch looking over at me.

"You'll so pay for this," he growled.

"How did you know I was downstairs?" Britt curiously asked as she sat on my bed her spot on the right like all the times she's slept in my room.

Matt grew interested, biting on my lip I answered. "I heard your heartbeat it woke me up."

Matt smirked, "Her wolf's coming closer to shifting."

I groaned, "What if I don't want to be a wolf."

"Not your choice," Britt said before she laid down. "Do you think we'll fix it."

Her eyes closed as she talked with a sad tone. Matt looked over at me. I sighed and looked down at my best friend. Her question stated unanswered as she had fallen asleep.

Crouching down in front if Matt I ran my fingers through his hair. "Jackson got angry hurt her," I whispered.

He growled, "No male should ever hurt his mate."

I sighed, "Matt you'll snap one da-"

"No I will not," he pulled me into his arms looking me straight in his eyes.

"I will never hurt you," he whispered kissing all over my face. "Never."

I sighed letting his protective wolf settle down before I said anything. "I'm tired," I slid off his lap giving one last kiss to his lips.

I walked to the bed his eyes on me. "You look gorgeous in my shirt," he smirked. "You should wear them more often."

"Go to sleep Matt."



Updated finally!! Sorry I've had so much to do and I've been so tired:(

Thanks for reading and be sure..

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Love you My Minions!!

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