Chapter 19- I'm A Pretty Wolf

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Emmie's P.O.V

Matt hadn't left my side for the day. He blew off all alpha training to make sure Xavier didn't dare come near me. His hand always around my waist not a second passed where he wasn't with me.

"Matt I can do it on my own," My annoyed voice spoke glaring at my mate.

He glared back a challenge to his authority before he picked me up on his arms. "I just worry," he whispered softly kissing my lips.

Rolling my eyes I kissed him back softer and pulled away quicker. "Well you could leave me alone just a second. After all I can pee on my own."

He chuckled setting me to my feet before I darted to the bathroom. Quickly out of my possessive mates grasp I did my business. Washing my hands i dried them before looking at Matt as I walked out.

His emerald eyes met mine and there I saw all the love and devotion hidden in them. The eyes I had fallen desperately in love with. His soft black hair I took pleasure in running my fingers through. He was perfect in every way, I walked to him stepping between his legs.

"What?" He questioned after a while of me staring.

I pressed my lips to his, the soft pink lips I couldn't get enough of. Instantly he kissed back his hand falling to my neck to pull me closer to him. I straddled his waist pushing back on the bed our tongues tangled together in a fight for dominance. Him winning and me breathless I pulled back his soft breath on my neck as he kissed across the bite marks he had pierced many times.

"I love you," I whispered softly. "You and only you."

He grinned and pecked my lips lingering only to whisper, "I love you too."

I smiled and rolled off him laying my head on his chest. He played with my hair as we laid in silence.

"I guess I better go to training, before my Dad gets angry."

"You've spent the whole day with me Matt," I looked up at him. "I think I'll be fine."

"You better," he growled protectively. Standing he gave me one last look before walking out. I smiled, how did I get so lucky? Grinning I stood up and walked out of my room. Down the steps and into the living room where my Mom and Britt sat.

"Hey," I said sitting down.

Britt smiled, "Finally escaped the alpha's grasp?"

"If only you knew," I giggled running my fingers through my hair. Something felt weird, my stomach was twisting and being away from Matt felt weird. Standing up I looked at Mom.

"What's wrong?" She questioned worriedly sitting a hand on my shoulder.

Like that I snapped, my body shook my head was spinning as I landed to the ground on four limbs. My vision enhanced I could see every detail and hear every little noise.

Britt laughed, "She's a light brown, I would have imagined white!"

I growled snapping my jaw at her. Only rolling her eyes she turned to my Mom. "She's now a wolf."

"I know," Mom bit her lip. "Maybe we should get her father."

I growled, he would make me shift and then lecture me about the do's and don't of being a wolf. I darted towards the door escaping into the warm summer air as it ruffled my fur. Running quickly through trees and the tall grass I finally felt free and happy.

Amazing isn't it babe, Matt's voice entered my head before I saw his wolf running beside me.

I nodded, Amazing indeed.

Race you, he mused before taking off me right beside him. I love being a wolf.



Hey guys!! So I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever I just wanted to say. I have been writing a new book and it is a werewolf fanfiction!! Should I publish it!! I know you guys love this book so should I?? Tell me in the comments what you think!!! I love you little Minions so much!!!



Love you Minions!!!

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