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Emmie's P.O.V.

"Mine," Matt hummed placing a kiss on my lips. "Mine," he kissed all over my body humming the word with each delicate kiss. I smiled as he placed me on the bed sliding my shirt off my body so he could have easier access to my marks. I let him kiss all he wanted as my fingers played with his hair humming in satisfaction.

"You are all mine," he growled softly.

"All yours," I whispered digging my head in the crook of his neck. Kissing his neck softly he laid beside me his hands wresting in my hips.

"Baby girl," he whispered softly as if scared to sat something.

"What?" I whispered locking eyes.

His canines were showing and I instantly knew what he wanted, to bite me to make our bond stronger. He wanted the deep connection to taste my blood once again, I gave him a soft nod. He covered my body with his kisses before finding his way to that spot right behind my ear on the base of my neck. Slowly his teeth sunk in a string of incoherent words leaving my lips as I arched my back. He drank my blood moaning in the pleasure his wolf had making the bond stronger.

"Matt enough," I whispered softy. He slowly pulled back licking away the extra blood and falling beside me. He wiped his mouth and looked down at me with sparkling emerald eyes.

I flipped him in his back straddling his waist placing soft kisses on his neck. "I need you," I whispered and that's all I had to say.


I woke up tangled in sheets with a warm body pressed to my back. My eyes fluttered open and I rolled over meeting Matt's sleeping face. His hard features and small smile, I slowly placed my lips on his cheek. I covered his face in soft kisses hearing his groan quietly.

"Emmie," he whispered slowly rubbing his eyes before tightening his grip on me. My naked body collided with his and he purred in satisfaction. "Mine."

I smiled laying on his chest I traced patterns across his care chest. He smiled digging his nose in my hair. I finally rolled off of him wrapping the sheets around my body and sitting up. He groaned trying to pull me back but I only laughed standing up. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, I stepped in and washed away all the worry from my body. I massaged the shampoo into my hair soap falling all around me as I rinsed it out. Once I finished with a shower I picked up a towel wrapping it around me, I dried off quickly and slipped on a bra and underwear before grabbing one of Matt's black hoodies and a pair of jean shorts. I walked out letting my hair fall down my back, Matt was dressed in his usual black v-neck and jeans. He leaned over his elbows resting on his knees, like something was wrong. I walked to him and instantly he pressed his head to my stomach wrapping his arms thighs.

"Hey baby," I smiled playing with his hair.

"Gorgeous," he muttered looking up at me. "Don't leave my side today."

Possessive, I smiled and kissed his lips so softly. He walked me downstairs where breakfast sat for us, I occasionally stole some his food picking off his plate. He didn't mind as he just held me tighter letting me rest my head on his shoulder. He slowly rubbed my back giving me soft kissed on my head.

"What are we doing today?" I questioned him softly.

"When's the last time you shifted?" He answered with a question making me smile like a little kid.

I jumped from the chair and pulled his arm, "Come on Matt! Let's go," I squealed making me laugh as he reluctantly ran with me outside.

We both shifted into our wolves and I took off. Emmie get back here! Matt exclaimed.

Catch me if you can! I giggled dodging trees hearing his wolf behind me.

He chuckled softly before pressing harder, I ran quicker but in seconds I was tackled Matt's wolf holding me down. I laughed as his wolf licked me making me push him off shaking out my fur. In seconds his body was pressed to mine his cold snout in my fur.

I love you, he whispered.

I love you too, And like that every thing fell into place. I was his mate and he was mine, no one was chasing after me. I was in love with him and he to me. I was his Luna, I was the Princess of Wolves.


Author Note...

Here we are my amazing little minions the final chapter!! Thanks so much for sticking it our and reading my book series thing?

I honestly thought this book would never be any good when I posted the first then all the sudden it was like amazing! I had so many positive comments asking me to update more! How they all enjoyed it so much and it was just absolutely perfect, I love you all and hope you check out my other stories!! I love you Minions!!


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