Chapter 22- Worrying Mates

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Emmie's P.O.V.

"Matt don't," I whispered as he tried to sit up but my scolding stopped him. He reopened the wound when he tried to get up and stand yesterday and the doctor had put him under strict orders to not move. Of course he was trying to move so he could make room for me to lay but he was so damn hardheaded.

"Babe..." he trailed off as I set my hand in his soft hair rubbing softly to calm him. His wolf growled lowly his green eyes closing softly.

I leaned down sitting in the chair beside his small hospital bed and laid my head on his chest. I kissed his bare chest softly moving my way up till I settled my head on the crook of his neck.

"Why you?" I whimpered softly.

"Better than it being you my love," he whispered softly kissing my head and in one swift motion, though against orders, I was laid beside him.

He shifted a bit laying on his back his hand on my waist. I shook my head laughing softly as I cuddled to him making sure I wasn't hurting him. We sat in silence my soft breathing mixed with his the only thing heard. Finally after so long I stood up a growl heard from behind me as he slowly rubbed my hips with his thumbs trying to get me to stay.

"I'm going to get some food for us both," I whispered kissing his lips softly. I lingered a bit my heart breaking at the fact he was stuck in a bed because of me.

He must have noticed my guilty mood as he instantly was cooing in my ear with soft words. Calming me down i kissed his lips again and left the room so he wouldn't see my tears. I walked to the kitchen letting the salty droplets fall down my cheeks, I the kitchen my Mom sat talking with Matt's mom soft laughter from their lips. At my entrance they turned sad seeing my tears Mom took me in her arms and I lost it sobs overtaking my body. Why did it have to be my mate? My love sitting in a bed with deep wounds and dry blood on his waist. I didn't understand how everything so horrible had to happen to us, me, him? I bit my lip as it trembled a whole new set of tears coming, my tears stained my Mom's shirt and I felt like my heart was ripped apart.

"Sh...darling it will be okay," Mom whispered. "We'll find this rogue and end this okay darling."

Her thumbs wiped away my tears and I had never felt like such a helpless child. I need the comfort and love, the reassuring words and I just wanted it all to go back to the way it was.

"Right now Emmie," Matt's mom rubbed my back. "Matt needs you."

I wiped my eyes and sniffled, "Thanks guys."

I continued what I was doing making a sandwich for him that I would probably just steal some of his. I grabbed the plate with my eyes all puffy I knew Matt would worry. I made it back and he was worried.

"Babe were you crying?" He questioned pushing the food aside and pulling me to his chest.

"No," I lied but he saw right through me.

"Don't lie to me baby girl," he kissed my head softly holding me in his arms. I just laid there he kept me calm eating and sharing with me. We laughed and he made me feel a million times better till the doctor came in saying he needs to sleep.

"Goodnight," I whispered softly rubbing his cheek. Slowly we both drifted off to sleep in the comfort of each other's arms.


I woke up around Midnight I'm a cold sweat. Gasping I sat up Matt's arms slowly falling off my waist. Trying to regain my breath I ran my hand through my messy hair sliding off the small bed. I walked out of the room my head spinning as I made it to my bedroom. I closed the door and leaned against it, this was strange. I had never felt this dizzy before, I took a Advil leaning against the counter I took slow breathes. I felt like I was being messed with and it was painful. Wincing a string of cuss words left my lips before I felt a arm around my waist. I screeched but relaxed when Emerald eyes looked down at me concerningly.

"What's wrong baby?" Matt whispered his fingers massaging my hair slowly.

I moaned softly leaning on to him a million times better. "Just a headache," I whispered but it felt like so much more to me.

He doubted my words continuing to play with my hair. I was going to scold him for leaving the bed but he was worried for me so I didn't bother to start a argument he would win. I leaned against the counter with his body pressed to mine.

"I was so worried," he whispered softly.

Confusion rose as I looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"When I first met you, I was so scared I would loose you. That was two and a half months ago and now here we are. Me hurt and you fearing your life."

This simple sentence brought small tear drops to my eyes and I gripped him tighter. He stood there letting me cry in his arms calming me every step of the way. Reality hit me and only then did I notice how easily Matt could leave me, how my world could come crashing down. And I couldn't imagine my life without him.

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