Chapter 10- Tears & Chains

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Emmie's P.O.V

I cuddled into Matt's warm chest his body heat keeping me nice and warm. He groaned and his arms wrapped tighter around my waist pulling my body on top of his. I giggled and tucked my head in the crook of his neck giving light kissed across the back of his neck. He moaned as I hit a certain spot and I smirked against the skin behind his ear. I kissed lightly over the his weak spot making his arms tighten around me.

"Babe," he moaned a smirk across his lips as I pulled back.

"What?" I asked innocently making him glare playfully before my body was pinned underneath his.

"Your so adorable," he smirked rubbing his nose to mine my eyes fluttering shut awaiting his lips on mine. They never came instead his warmth left me and I opened them in confusion as I saw the bathroom door close. That damn tease, I giggled and stood up walking to my closet, I slipped on a black v-neck and pair of jean shorts that were indeed short. I ran my fingers through my hair attempting to untangle the curls. Fingers soon replaced mine as Matt played with my hair nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. His lips soon made their way to mine and I smiled softly.

"I could kiss you forever," he whispered against my lips.

I kissed him back leaving a second to whisper my voice raspy, "What's stopping you?"

He smirked and his hands slid under my too tracing my waist. "Soon baby your beautiful body will be covered in all my kisses." he kissed my nose, "The mark of my bite forever etched in your skin."

I giggled, "I love you," I whispered.

"Forever I will love you," he smiled then a frown replaced that gorgeous smile. "I have a training thing today. I won't see you till night."

I whimpered and his lips fell to mine weakening the whimper. "Baby don't be upset," he whispered, "When I turn eighteen I'll be alpha and you'll be my beautiful Luna."

I smiled the sound of me being a Luna sounded so amazing. I intertwined our fingers and we walked downstairs he left not so quickly giving me several more kisses before his arms left my waist. I walked back up to my room, I was bored, Britt was at some thing with Jackson's family. I groaned and laid back on my bed Matt's spot was still so warm his scent there as I took a deep breath.

"Missing him," a dark voice whispered in my ear as I snapped up meeting a pair of dark brown eyes.

"W-Who are you?" I questioned slowly backing up.

"You'll find out soon my love," he whispered darkly.

I whimpered moving back slowly even more but his hands shot out a scream leaving my lips. He cursed under his breath throwing me over his shoulder before he jumped out the open window. I screamed slamming my fists against his back. He ran and ran his hands around my butt as he ran through. I felt violated and much more as he ran for hours and hours. I couldn't see anything my body upside down, only did I see my surroundings as I was thrown to a mattress.

"Welcome home baby," The stranger laughed grabbing a chain as he chained my ankle to the wall and handcuffed my hands. I whimpered.

"Why am I here?" I whispered tears sliding from my eyes.

"Sh baby doll," his rough hand wiped away my tears. I winced away. Anger flashed in his eyes as the brown orbs turned black, he brought his hand up and slapped me hard. "You don't move away from me! We are mates and I'm damn sure your staying mine."

"I am not yours and I never will be," I spat.

He growled and pushed my hair back looking at my neck. "You haven't been marked so as long as your here your mine."

And he left, he left me alone sobbing on the dusty horrible mattress my mind foggy with the thoughts of Matt.



Another amazing update!!!! Chapter 10, I hope you enjoyed and I love you all my fans, this series has been so fun to write.

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Love you Minions!!

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