Chapter 3- Enemy Love

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Emmie's P.O.V

"Emmie if you go in there your father will kill me," Mom muttered I knew she was lying. The last thing he'd do is kill her and she knew that.

"I have to Mom he could be hurt," I whispered.

"Let her go," Britt whispered. "I'll go with her."

"Now that's a definite no," Jackson growled. "No way in hell are you going out there."

"You can't stop me," she growled walked over to me. "I'm so not in the right clothes for this."

I laughed lightly as we started our journey. Dad would have to get over this, I had to be with him. I walked through the woods following his scent somehow these senses had came to me and I was happy for it. A hour if looking I saw him. He sat against a tree human form scratches up and down his body. Blood dripped from a wound on his head.

"Oh my god," I whispered his eyes snapped up to me as I ran to him. I feel to my knees as his arms wrapped around me.

"Mine," he whispered his eyes held mine. I smiled then my eyes focused to the wound on his head.

"Your hurt," I whispered pressing my finger to it.

"I'm fine," he said before his eyes moved to Britt. "A second."

"I'm not supposed to leave her mutt," Britt spat surprised me.

"Britt please," I turned to her.

She sighed and walked away with struggle in her wedges. "Don't mind her," I whispered kissing his cheek. "I'm so sorry about my Dad."

"It's not your fault but he can't keep you from me," he sat up slipping his shirt over his head. I tried not to stare at the beauty of his body. He pressed it to his head catching the blood. "Matt," he whispered.

"Emmie," I smiled as his free hand pulled me into his lap.

"You should get that cleaned," I whispered.

"I'll be fine don't worry about me princess," he smiled standing up with me bridal style in his arms.

I smiled feeling like I was on cloud nine as he walked back to my house. "How will this work?" I asked.

"Sneaky," he smirked outside of my front door. "I'll see you tomorrow he can't keep me from you baby your mine."

He sat me to my feet leaving a soft kiss on my head before he was gone. Oh crap, Britt, I ran inside and to the kitchen. Mom stood trying to calm a very upset Dad. Britt sat wrapped in Jackson hands as Britt looked worriedly around.

"Hey," I spoke up making all their eyes look up.

"Emmie!" Mom exclaimed before I was pulled into her warm arms tears from her soaking my shirt.

"Mom I'm okay," I said pulling back.

"You aren't seeing him, not dating him and sure as hell not mating him." Dad growled lowly his eyes dark as he stared at me.

"You can't do that," I whispered tears filling my eyes.

"I can and I just did," Luke growled. "See him and you will be grounded."

He ran up the stairs and I gasped, "This isn't fair."

"Your father has a point," Mom spoke up as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"What point?" I growled. "He's my mate!"

I ran up to my room landing on bed in a pile of sobs. I soon felt a hand rubbing my back and little sparks flying through my body.

" I'm here," Matt whispered laying down beside me as I cuddled into his chest.

I looked up at him as his thumb slowly rubbed my cheek. "Don't sat anything just sleep sweetie," he whispered kissing my head.

"Don't leave me," I whispered.

"Never," he whispered, "Your father can't keep me from you."

I whimpered and cuddled into his chest digging my head in the crook of his neck and that was how I fell asleep.

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