Chapter 2- Lustful Looks

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Emmie's P.O.V

I stood on my tippy toes peaking over the edge Britt by my side as I looked out the window. Our pack and a new pack stood I a stand off glaring and growling. Of course we couldn't hear what was said but I didn't need to. My eyes were glued to him, he stood beside a older land I guessed the alpha of the pack. His tan arms crossed over his chest his grey v-neck fit snug to his body. His green eyes searched the pack his brown hair lightly tousled from his fingers occasionally running through them.

Britt gasped, "No way!" She exclaimed in a whispered pulling me to the floor away from his gorgeous eyes. "Emmie please tell me you didn't just find your mate."

She grasped my hands looking deep into my eyes with a pleading look. "I-I think I did," I whispered. "Oh my god I did."

Britt's eyes widened as she heard a noise. "No this is not good."

"What I found my mate!" I cheered a little to loudly.

We sat back up seeing our pack staring back at the window my mate staring with lustful eyes at me. Dad growled and looked over at him shaking and I knew he was going to shift.

"Run!" Britt exclaimed as she grabbed my arm.

"No he's going to hurt him!" I screeched as she pulled me up the stairs my eyes looking at my mate. He had shifted challenging my fathers wolf. My nameless mate had gorgeous grey fur some parts darker almost black. Britt sighed and kept pulling me along till I was thrown into her room.

"This is so bad," she paced the room.

"What's so bad?" I asked. "He's my mate."

I smiled to myself playing with the hem of my shirt. Britt smiled, "Your right it should be good. But he's a enemy."

"I know but it's mates," I whispered hearing a loud howl split through the air.

"Oh god dad hurt him," tears filled my eyes as Britt instantly ran to me holding me to her.

"Sh sweetie calm down," she cooed. "He's okay he's a future alpha he can fight."

I shook my head and stood up pushing her back lightly. "I have to see him."

"That's not good," she sighed sitting me back down.

I sighed as all growling and fighting stopped. Britt but her lip taking my hand. "Okay I won't see you suffer come on sweetie."

I smiled and wiped my tears as we slowly walked downstairs. Outside were our two packs searching the woods frantically. "Mom!" I screeched running to her.

"Sweetie," she smiled wrapping her arms around me.

"She wants her mate," Jackson walked to Britt as she spoke.

There was silence, "They fought into the woods running and chasing no one knows where they went but we can't hear fighting."

"I have a feeling they got lost separated."

"I'll find him," I looked out at the woods and like a ton of bricks his scent hit me.

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