Chapter 4- Ice Cream

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Emmie's P.O.V

I woke up alone a warm spot beside me. He must have left only moments ago. I smiled smelling the wooded sheets his scent left behind. I took a deep breath and sat up slowly pushing back the blankets as Britt came running into the room. "Do not get dressed!" she exclaimed struggling to hold the cartoons of ice cream as she kicked the door shut.

"Why not?" I giggled watching as she sat down with a 'umphh' as she let the ice cream and spoons fall from her arms.

"I know your upset, so I ransacked the kitchen and came up with this." I observed the different flavors, cookie dough, chocolate, vanilla, mint, all of my favorite.

"Thanks Britt," I smiled taking a container and spoon. The first bite was like heaven to me as I moaned smiling. "You are a amazing friend!"

"I know," she replied crossing her legs as she opened the mint cartoon taking bites. "Now do you want to talk?"

I nodded swallowing another bite of ice cream as I looked up at her. "Why me?" I asked her not expecting a answer from her. Of course she wouldn't know anthing about this.

"I'm not a expert on wolves," she replied, "But I can say this. You are a human technically human, are you sure he's your mate?"

"You did not just ask me that question," I stared at her like she was crazy which made her sigh.

"Sorry I have a mate I really shouldn't be asking you that question," she put her hands up in surrender before shoving ice cream back in her mouth again.

I sighed taking a deep breath a silence spreading over us for only a few seconds. "It's okay you asked me, I was actually thinking about that. But the way he looked at me and the way he held me last night I knew that we are mates. Just why did he have to be a enemy, do you know why his pack is a enemy pack?"

"Yeah aparently his pack got attacked and they moved here thinking that the pack that was here had left. So when they picked up on our packs scent they thought they could scare us away and this happened."

"Well I guess all things happen for a reason."

She laughed a little closing her cartoon of ice cream licking her spoon clean. "He was here last night?" she questioned smirking before she sniffed the air and laughed. "He was."

"I was crying he must have known cause next thing I know I'm in his arms his soothing voice and warm arms."

Britt laughed falling back in the bed, "Never once did I think that the little Princess would be sleeping with a boy after knowing him for hours."

I let out a small laugh as the door opened once again and Mom walked in a curious look on her face. "I wondered where all the ice cream went, pass me a spoon and the chocolate."

I laughed and handed it to her as she sat beside me smiling, "Talking about yesterday?"

I nodded looking away, "Yeah do you think Dad is mad at me?"

"Your father isn't mad at you," Mom sighed, "You're just his little princess and he doesn't want to loose you to some wolf he doesn't know. Besides he is our enemy."

Britt sighed, "Emmie you shouldn't worry about it so much."

I nodded and we continued to eat and laugh completely. It felt nice to talk to each other no worries at the moment as I helped to pick up the ice cream as Britt took them and walked away. Mom had left saying Dad needed her something leaving me alone in my room. I sighed and stared at the door Britt had just walked away from. I was a bit jealous, each night she was able to proudly lay by her mate and kiss him while I had to hide the fact I was hoplessly in love with the enemy. It wasn't jealous, why can't I have that happiness. I was snapped from my thoughts when a hand was laid on my shoulder. I jumped up till I heard his husky voice.

"Sh princess it's just me," Matt whisper making me turn to face him. My arms wrapped around his waist looking up into his green eyes.

"Hi," I giggled as his forehead pressed to mine.

"How are you?" he questioned leading me to the bed where he sat pulling me to his lap.

"Good when did you leave this morning?" I asked him.

"About a hour before you woke up, you started to stir and I knew if I didn't leave then, I wouldn't ever had been able to leave.

I blushed, "Your probably right," I tangled my fingers in the hair on the back of his neck smiling.

"I know I'm right baby girl," he chuckled laying me on the bed hovering over me in one swift movment. I squealed then covered my mouth worriedly hoping my parents didn't hear. "It's okay."

I relaxed and pushed him back on the bed digging my head in the crook of his neck as we just laid there. We just laid there in complete silence his heartbeat and mine together as one noise. "Emmie," I heard my Dad yell from downstairs.

Matt snapped up hearing something I couldn't, "I have to go," he whispered leaving a feathet light kiss on my head his hands leaving my waist.

I sighed watching sadly as he slipped out the window easily, will this ever become easy for me?

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