Chapter 6- Really?

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Emmie's P.O.V

I woke up the next day to a knock on my door, with my hair flying all different directions on my head I walked to the door groaning. "What do you want?" I sneered opening the door glaring at the person. My Dad.

"Well good morning to you," he laughed looking over me. "You look just like your mother when she wakes up."

"Thanks for the compliment," I rolled my eyes attempting to tame the mess of curls. "What brings you here oh Father."

Dad rolled his eyes at my weirdness walking into the room closing the door behind me, "There is someone I want you to meet, his name is Xavier he's a wolf in the pack. He's a nice young wolf."

No way! Dad is so not trying to set me up with a wolf. "What are you saying?" I questioned him.

"Nothing," he was quick to defend himself, "He just wants to take you out maybe you know lunch a movie."

"But I can't go with him!" I exclaimed, "I have a mate."

He tried to stay calm, "No, Emmie you do not. That Mutt is the enemy and he will not love my daughter."

"You can't deny it."

"I can so get dressed and be downstairs in a hour and a half he will be waiting." He walked out of my room just as tears filled my eyes, how could he do this. Does Mom know, I'm sure she would have disagreed with what he said. I needed to see Matt but I had no way to contact him no way at all. I growled and walked to my closet looking through the outfits. The different dresses and jeans from sweat pants to dressy clothes. I finally found something walking back to my room and slipping the outfit on. I had picked out a white dressy tanktop tucking it into a black lacy designed skirt and a pair of sandals. I brushed out my curls pinning half of them up adding a white bow to keep it in place.

After I finished my makeup I looked at myself in the mirror, I really should be dressing up for Matt, not this mystery wolf Xavier. I groaned and walked downstairs giving one last look at the window in hopes maybe Matt would decide to show up but of course not. I walked down the staircase taking my sweet time not in any hurry to meet the person who would fake loving me and being my actual mate to please the alpha. So as I entered the living room and looked at the blonde hair boy who had a fake look of lust and love in his eyes. I plastered a fake smile.

"Xavier this is as you know my daughter Emmie," Dad introduced as Xavier walked closer and I got a better look. He wa handsome but nothing compared to my Matt. He had dark brown eyes and blonde hair, he looked to be eighteen.

"Hi," I smiled as he gave me a wide smile in reply.

"You to have fun and Xavier she doesn't have to be home till midnight," Dad encouraged making me mentally groan as he placed his hand on the small of my back leading me to the front door. Like all cars in the pack he led me to a white dress opening the door for me then jogging to the drivers side.

"So beautiful," he flirted looking me over. "Where do you want to go?"

I sighed giving him another fake and forced smile, "Wherever you take me."

Hours of forcing smiled, laughing fakely, and trying to pretend I was happy with a boy who was way to quick. Sitting in the theatre with his hand on my bare thigh, eating dinner with his constant staring at my body. It was revolting, greedy, and rude Matt would never ever look at me like that. And right now as I sat in the jeep minutes away from taking a shower to wash all the filth of his touch off me. His eyes continuously went from me to the road. I desperatly wanted to wash away this violated feeling and curl into a ball in Matt's arm as he kissed away the pain. I wanted to be with my mate. The only thing keeping from running from the car is him as he guided me into the house.

"This was fun," he smiled, "Do it again some time?"

"Yeah totally," Lie.

He smiled and walked me to my room and the second I closed the door tears filled my eyes. I sank down to the floor pulling my knees to my chest. My Dad didn't want me to be with my actual mate so he set me up on dates. I cried and cried not moving just small muffled sobs as I heard a thump.

"Emmie!" Matt exclaimed before I was pulled into his lap. "Why are you crying? Who hurt you? I swear to god I'll kill them."

"Dad," I sobbed into his shirt my tears wetting it. "He's setting me up with other wolves in the pack because he doesn't want me to be with you."

Matt growled lowly as I felt myself moving before I was in my bed. The covers came over us as he pulled me closer to his chest. "You are mine Emmie, and I am going to make sure that no other male touches you."

"Matt I don't want them," I whimpered.

"Sh..." he cooed running his fingers through my hair softly. "Don't worry tomorrow it will all be better I promise."

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