Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Survivor

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. The pairing was my idea though.

REVISED! 3/28/12

Hello everyone. This is my first Naruto Fanfic.

I was a little disappointed at the lack of Konan X Naruto Fanfictions that were scattered here and there that were either pointless one shots or stories that never went anywhere( The author never went past Chapter one.) I am also VERY surprised that no one ever thought of the idea as I did.

Anyway, this is not a pairing just to make a pairing story. This story is actually almost a "This could've happened" story. They had all of the pieces there. No one did anything about it. Anyway, Just tell me what you think through constructive criticism. I will gladly accept any information about the Naruto universe.

Get ready, because I plan on making this a story of epic proportions.

One last thing, READ & REVIEW please.

Now on to the story...

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

The Last One

Chapter 1: Survivor

"I think... I understand, Naruto," Nagato wheezed looking at the blonde haired ninja.

Nagato's body lay defenseless in front of the Konoha-nin, moving up and down from light breathing. Naruto looked at him sternly, quickly going through everything that went on in his mind. After hearing Nagato's explanation for his doings, Naruto knew what he was going through, but the Konoha-nin knew that it was the wrong way to go about the situation. Naruto Finally broke Nagato's outer shell.

"That is why I have decided on a few things." Nagato returned, "I will revive everyone I've killed recklessly. But before I do that, there is something you need to know."

Naruto gazed upon the nearly lifeless man, now curious as to what the Rain-nin had to say. Konan looked at her friend as well, keeping quiet so she would not interrupt him. Her face was solemn, but unsure of which emotion she needed.

"There are things about your family that you don't know. Things that were so dangerous that most of your relatives were killed in order to prevent chaos," Nagato croaked. He looked at the boy whose facial features softened from confusion.

"The truth is, your family held a very powerful bloodline trait Naruto. This trait was so deadly that during the Second Great Shinobi War, everyone made an attempt to kill them."

"Well, if they're all dead, then how does that relate to me?" The blonde-nin bluntly asked.

Nagato looked down at the boy, and then curled his lips upward. "Two of them survived the war Naruto."

The Leaf-nin widened his eyes upon that response. "Y-You mean, my father was a survivor!"

Nagato slightly chuckled which followed by a hacking cough. Once he settled down, he continued. "No Naruto. Your mother was the one who survived."

"My... Mother?" Naruto questioned.

Nagato received glances from both Naruto and Konan, but merely shrugged them off with an indifferent composure.

"Yes Naruto. Kushina Uzumaki was a survivor from the Shinobi War Clan Massacre. Her abilities were unawakened during the time of the massacre so no one could tell her descent. She then moved to Konoha to hide from the killings and turned herself into a Konoha ninja."

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