Chapter Two

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"Nope." Was the first word I could muster. I wanted it to come out as strong, firm, final where I could just turn and leave like that. Alas, my voice came out shaky as I felt my painful body tingle all over. "I'm sorry? Nope?" My mate chuckled with a raised eyebrow.

His eyes started trailing down my own naked body. I had forgotten about my clothes tearing when I shifted. A deep growl came from my mate's firm chest as he looked me up and down. Clovis would have had me pounce onto him that second if we weren't injured. "Daniel, come and take care of your own mate. I want to get to know mine."

"What?" I knew  that was Vicky's stunned voice by me but my mate had sucked me in. He was all I could think of and focus on now I knew we were safe. "May we talk as you walk me home? I'm sure Alexa's more than safe." I could hear the amusement in Vicky's soft voice. I had found my mate, just like she and Clovis wanted. I however was not so happy about this.

"So, does my mate have a name?" My mate asked swooping me up in his arms. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?"

"That's an interesting name."

"Shut up! Put me down you brute!"

A loud laugh escaped my mate who looked down at me. I'm sure he could smell my arousal and it was infuriating that he had such an affect on me just from being naked and touching me.

"Brute? I'm Andrew, sweetheart. And you're hurt. I'm taking you to the pack doctor."
I started wiggling. To fuck was I going with a stranger! I didn't care if he was my mate. "I'm fine! I'm heeling already, and I'm not going anywhere with you! Put me down!"

Andrew did what I demanded but he didn't let go. Instead he pulled me so I was pressed tightly against him. My cheeks were boiling now as my stomach did summersaults. I wanted to moan, feeling his body pressed so hard against mine. Andrew's scent of freshly cut grass felt like home to me and, I was hating it.
"I'll let you go home, sweetheart but, I am escorting you and you better know that we are not done with this. Don't think I don't know how I am making you feel right now. I could so easily play with this beautiful body of yours and see to your every needs and you'd be begging for more but, I won't. I won't until you're ready and begging me to and trust me, you will."

Fuck! Andrew was just making me hot and bothered. He was right, my body was yearning for his touches, his kisses but no. I told myself that I didn't need a mate and I didn't. Clovis would get used to it. "Let me go, Andrew. I'm going home and, you don't need to escort me there.

Andrew stepped back allowing me to wolf up. Thankfully, Clovis and I were recovered enough that we could go home. I couldn't help but be grateful for my quick heeling. "Clovis, behave." I ordered as Clovis nestled her head in Andrew's hand. She growled at me. "If the mate bond as is as strong as you and Vicky say; Andrew will find us again. I want to make sure Vicky is okay." Clovis growled at me one more time before she licked Andrew and allowed us to go home.

Getting home I had to be careful since I forgot about my clothes. The last thing I wanted was to be caught naked. I cautiously climbed up the porches frame and up to my bedroom window, falling into my dark room. "Fucking hell." I groaned still feeling my body ache. "Are you okay, Clovis?"

"Piss off! I'm not talking to you!"

I sighed. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to go through this. I hated Clovis being mad at me but we were both as stubborn as each other. I quickly got dressed and snuck over to Vicky's room. All the lights in the house were out so, I guessed her parents were asleep. I found Vicky on her bed with her entire collection of werewolf books.

"You alright there, Vicky?" Vicky's eyes widened seeing me and she practically tackled me against the wall for a hug. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you there." Vicky whispered. I gave her a tight squeeze. "I'm fine. It's just been an, interesting night. I mean, Clovis is in a mood with me but that's nothing new."

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