Chapter Twenty-Five

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It was time. All the prisoner had been released for their free time whilst everyone else was safe. My dad wheeled himself out with a smirk. I had an unsettling feeling seeing that smirk. I remembered what the moon goddess told us, that he was extremely close to recovering and that we needed to act fast. Oh no.

Darius was on edge just like myself. It was only knowing that Alexa was happy and safe keeping me sane. I watched from the palace gates as the wolves surrounded him, ready for blood. I gulped as I saw him laugh.

In the briefest of moments, the largest wolf of a black and grey colour with flaming red eyes formed, attacking and killing or seriously injuring those around him. My dad. He was actually healed. Seth, Seth was healed. Seth was his wolf who I had hoped to never meet. He had gotten a ruthless reputation. He never let anyone go. Only Rory and I could kill him on our own.

I decided to act before he could do anymore damage. I mind linked for Rory to be on high alert if I failed and focused on the wolf in front of me. Darius didn't care that this was our dad, it seemed Seth didn't care either.

With teeth bared both wolves moved slowly in a circle, daring the other to make the first move. The prisoners uninsured backed off. They saw exactly what this wolf was capable of. Suddenly a pair of amber eyes flickered up behind Seth. "Clovis?"

It wasn't Clovis. Though extremely similar I knew this wasn't her. It had to be Edward. Edward had left his post to take Seth by surprise. Now it was two against one. I just hoped Edwards's risk didn't cost us.

"You front, be back." I understood and Darius acted. He launched to the front of Seth's body whilst Edward pounced from the shadows and to the back. Seth was fast. He managed to avoid us both. Terror shot through me. How? How did he miss us both?

Edward and Seth were rolled around now with canines out, trying to get their teeth sank in. I had an idea. All I would need was for him to be pinned. Darius attacked, knocking Seth off the previous king, managing to slash his side and bite his leg. As he yelped I mind linked for Edward to help pin him and then it was the bit I was dreading. I made Seth incapable of moving, tearing into each of his legs just so we had enough time. Darius let me shit back. "Wolves, come and see to your blood lust." I cried out before shifting again.

I ran to where Alexa would be hiding. I suddenly heard a chuckle behind me, a dark menacing chuckle. "Really lad? You thought you injured me that badly? All those wolves back there are injured now, thanks to you. "Rory?" I mind linked him. There was a groan of reassurance on the other end. I swallowed.

"I'm so much stronger now than you can ever imagine. Thank you moon goddess." My dad laughed loudly, like the villain he was. "No matter what you do dad, you lost your chance of being king when you stepped down as alpha." I tried to reason with him. It was the truth; killing us would do nothing. "Let's call this a fit of rage kill then, shall we."


To our absolute amazement; the moon goddess stood behind my dad. I had never known for such disappointment and pain to show in anyone's face but, yet. Here she was. "Andrew there's a silver dagger by the property porch. Grab it and kill him whilst I distract him." The moon goddess mind linked me. My eyes widened. It was one thing killing my dad as Darius but killing him in my human form? That was something completely different.

"Why, Ethan? I gave you a beautiful, strong mate to try and prevent you from turning to this darkness." She started as I eased my way to the porch. "To the left of the stairs." The moon goddess mind linked me again as I got closer. "She was human. She was weak. I deserved better." My dad snarled, slowly closing the gap between them. "She was the best choice for you. Now, your rejection has caused so much destruction. I am ashamed to call you one of my children."

My dad launched himself to kill the moon goddess. He failed. She disappeared from where she stood and by me. I heard her sigh. The moon goddess slipped the dagger from my hand and I was flabbergasted. She was going to kill him.

It only took a split second as I watched in horror. She was gone from me one second and in front of him the next, shoving the dagger deep into his chest and waiting until their was no more movement from him to pull it out.

My eyes stayed wide and on my deceased dad as she approached me next. The wolves that had managed to recover had come to feast, tearing my dad to shreds. There wasn't a chance he was alive anymore. "You, you killed him." I could only gasp.

The moon goddess sighed. She placed her hand on my shoulder, I still couldn't tear my eyes away. I had never seen anything like this. "I did. For years my children have fought each other and it's when I made mistakes."

"Everyone makes mistakes" I found myself saying, turning to face her finally. "Well this mistake almost cost our entire kind. I realised it was cruel of me to have you or Rory kill Ethan, you in particular. I'm sorry for your loss."

I understood he'd reasoning and I appreciated it. I could sense how tortured the moon goddess felt. She sighed. "Don't let Alexa come out until they are back in captivity. Not all of them are thrilled about the treaty right now."

"Alexa's particularly special to you, why?"

There seemed to be an unspoken bond between them. The moon goddess had barely made an appearance over the years of our existence yet, she'd been here for Alexa when she was most needed. "You're not wrong. You see, after a thousand years or so, the moon goddess changes hands so she and her mate can rest in peace and be reincarnated. Alexa is the reincarnation of a previous moon goddess and she is the next in line. You two will be looking over our kind and Alexa will be in charge whilst you support her. She needs to be kept safe, you both do. Please keep this between us. Thank you, Andrew."

All that ran through my head was the question Alexa liked to ask, I'm sorry, say what now? No where in our history had I known for this to be the case. I guess it had always been kept quiet to not put any pressure the one in line. I sighed.

"He's gone." I mind linked everyone, getting a cheer in response, other than my mum and siblings. I made my way to the infirmary where those who survived my dad's wrath was being seen to if needed. Rory was there with his left arm and leg in casts. He looked pissed as hell. "Hey, how you feeling lad?"

"Not great. How's everyone here, Dorothy?"

We had opted for just the pack doctors to be on call whilst the captives were free. Our magical beings would have been at risk otherwise. "Thankfully there were only two fatalities. There are many that will need time to heel though. They'll be needing extra support whilst they're healing."

"I can arrange that, thanks Dorothy."

I could feel Rory's eyes on me as I headed back out. I felt numb. So much had happened, I had so much shocking news I couldn't even share dropped on me. I had a pup coming and my dad had died in front of my eyes. All I could think was to get myself in a safe location. Once the two days were over, things could start going back to normal. Hopefully, they would all go back to normal.

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