Chapter Nineteen

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It was time. Vicky had guided us to the neutral land where Daniel and Douglas brought a desk and chairs. Andrew had brought the items we needed to call the coven for a meeting and I had the treaty documents. "Ready?" Andrew asked handing me the device that seemed ancient to me to use. It was extremely similar to a road flare but the colour and sound could only be seen and heard by those in the supernatural universe.

It took a quarter of an hour but five pale figures made their way to the neutral land. They were lead by an elderly looking woman whilst Althea trailed behind with dread and the other three stayed on guard. "Please, take a seat."

"I'm Alexa and this is Andrew."

"I'm Kristin, what do you want?"

"To prevent another war from breaking out."

Kristin started laughing hysterically at me. I didn't appreciate it and neither did Clovis who was ready to pounce but she knew the rules, she knew the importance of the situation and stayed put reluctantly. I sighed.

"Kristin, I was born just before the war started. I've just been brought back into this life and have only just learnt what caused it."

"That your kind are incapable of taking care of anyone but yourself." Kristin spat bitterly. I could feel the anger radiating off Andrew. He wasn't handling this well. If he blew if this was not going to end well. "That was a different generation. A generation that didn't care if blood was shed and didn't know what to do to help the situation." It hurt to say those words. My dad was the ultimate cause of this and it was hard to face.

"Who are you to arrange this meeting for god knows what?"

"I want a treaty of peace and a plan to make sure our kinds can take care of each other. As of who I am, I am the daughter of Rory and Katrina Moon. Andrew and I are king and queen now they've gone."

Kristin's lips pursed in distaste, I didn't blame her. If my dad was the cause for the war breaking up because of his selfishness, she had every right to be pissed. "You seem nothing like him."

"I wouldn't know. I grew up with my aunt from when I was one in the human community." I managed to say strongly, despite my wanting to cry. Kristin seemed to eye me warily. She looked to her group behind her and to her daughter who's eyes were trained to the floor. "This plan, what is it?"

"Merge our lands so we share one big community." Again, Kristin started laughing loudly as did the rest of the group, all but Althea. "Yeah, why would we do that?" She asked with an amused smile. Right now, I didn't see this working but I just hoped what I said next would help turn it around. "Two reasons. One, you'd all have twenty four hour protection. Two, I know at least one of your kind that is a mate to one of our warriors."

Althea's eyes shot up at me. This wasn't the plan that we had agreed upon but, it's the only reason that I thought would definitely sway Kristin's mind to agree with us. "Oh yeah, and who would that be."

I simply moved my eyes over to Althea who's moved to meet Douglas's. Kristin'a jaw dropped. I knew of all things, the last thing she would have wanted was for daughter to fall in love with the enemy but, I could see their relationship between the mother and daughter. She wanted to do what was best for them.

"I want Althea and Douglas to be able to love each other with worrying about being on the opposing sides. I'm sure you would love your daughter to have that too."

There was a long, agonising silence a Kristin thought things over. "Go and see her." I mind linked Douglas who didn't hesitate to start making his way to Althea. The two met in the middle and only held each other tight for a moment, ignoring all the eyes on them. "I offered Althea to stay with us whilst this was being sorted so they could be together. I have nothing against you. That war is in the past and we can fix things."

"And what would you want from us?" Kristin went on to ask, never taking her eyes off her daughter who now was smiling wildly with Douglas as they spoke about something or other. They were clearly in love. A love that no one with a heart would want to break. "After the treaty is signed and our communities are combined, I would like the wolves you've got in captivity back."

"What?! Why after?!" Andrew barked at me. I didn't miss the shocked look in Kristin's eyes either. Most people would want their people free first. That was the way if you didn't really mean what you said. "Because then, they know what we are serious and can take full precautions that those caught won't attack the covens in our community."

"It could take years, sweetheart to merge them together properly." Andrew sighed sadly. I shot a small and short smile. I knew what it meant. It could lead to them all hating me but I had to think of the bigger picture. "How about, we make a separate building for them that's more homey and they can ease into the community with the assistance of designated wolves, rather than having to stay locked up?" My jaw dropped. Was this actually happening?

"No! You can't! This is a trick somehow! They killed your husband for Christ sake!" One of the witches behind Kristen cried. I gulped, if there was anything that could change Kristin's mind, it was that.

Kristin's eyes were watery at the thought of her husband, Althea's dad. Her eyes went back to Althea who was happily wrapped up in Douglas's arms. A sad smile made its way to her lips. "Not all of them are the same. Queen Alexa has proved that by being nothing like her dad. I agree. We will join our communities and take care of each other."

Another two hours or so later and I was dropping down onto my bed, groaning. "I am exhausted." I grumbled, unable to wipe the smile off my face. I had done it! I had actually done the treaty so there was no war. However, it was now the announcing it to our people and getting the arrangements ready.

"You are amazing. We will do the announcement tomorrow and start planning everything out so we can work with them. Douglas and Althea will be heading the project." I could barely understand what Andrew was saying to me. I was too tired and it proved as I fell to sleep.


Words could never express how proud I was of my mate. I had sent a mind link to set up a ball for us all with plans for the covens to join us after the announcement was made. Yeah, it was going to take a while to get to where we wanted it to be but, the treaty was there. There were safety arrangements in the meantime and changes in process so those captured would be in a more homely atmosphere.

I knew that was going to be the next difficult bit to this task. They had been in captivity for years and now were going to be free just to have to live around those who had kept them captive. It was definitely a nerve wrecking thought on how that was all going to work out but, like my mate; I had to have faith and focus more on peace than war. That reminded me. I had to talk to my parents.

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