Chapter Eighteen

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It was coming to six when Alexa tried to sneak into our room. Unfortunately for her, I had waited up. I was sitting on our bed and going through the notes Vicky had given me over and over. When Alexa turned, she gave me a tight lipped smile. I kept my lips in a straight line.



"Care to tell me what happened whilst you were out?"

Alexa sighed and moved so she was sitting by her pillow. Her eyes were red like she'd been crying. I hated that I couldn't feel what she was feeling with her being so far away. I wanted to be there for her and this experience had clearly taken its toll. "I've never seen something so terrible." Alexa whispered, not looking me in the eye. "Do you regret going?"

Alexa knew I was pissed but, was holding off until I knew all the information. "No. I saw my parents room, mine, and believe me or not but, I met the moon goddess, Iris." My eyes widened at that. There had only been a handful of times the moon goddess would make an appearance. It had only been to those in her direct blood line, Alexa was. "She showed me a bit of the war. It could have been so easily prevented. My dad handled it all wrong, all the alphas did."

I wiped the stray tears falling from her beautiful eyes. I didn't even want to imagine the time of the war, let alone having to be shown snippets of it. "Iris doesn't have a wolf anymore. She doesn't need one." My eyebrow raised. All this was jumbling my mind. I didn't know what to think other than my mate had, had to suffer mentally to find all this out. She was so brave. "Clovis was her wolf, Andrew. She gave me Clovis because I needed her and was deserving of her. I'm the one who needs to prevent this war."

I felt Alexa get hit by a sudden exhaustion which I had been repressing myself. "Let's get some sleep and you can talk me through what we're going to do later."

I trusted Alexa, I could see how everything she said to me was only honesty. I had to forget all the crap I had been raised to believe and accept the fact we had to do this another way.

When I woke up, Alexa was already getting dressed. I looked to see that it was eleven in the morning. I wish she would have given herself more sleep but, I admired to determination to do this and do it right. "Sweetheart, don't you want more sleep?"

"Nope. I need to talk to Vicky and your dad before I set up everything."

"Why my dad?"

Sighing, she looked to me with sympathetic eyes and a sad smile. "He was at the meeting that determined that there was going to be a war. My dad told him to get the vampires involved. I need more information from him."

"You know why it happened." I stated in realisation, blaming my tiredness for not picking up on that last night. Alexa nodded. "Alexa, we are king and queen now. That sounds bizarre." Alexa giggled. "I am with you every step of the way now. You just have to include me. So please, let's do this together."

I was getting dressed as I spoke to my beautiful mate, trying to resist my temptations of showing her just how beautiful I found her. "Okay." Alexa's smile was one of the brightest I had seen since we had met. I was so relieved that everything was settling for her and she was seeming so natural in this new role of hers. "I also need to talk to Douglas."


"His mate is the witch we've been working with."


It was funny to see so many confused expressions on Andrew's precious face. I didn't blame him, this all had been overwhelming for me, let alone him. Andrew was having to try and ignore everything he grew up believing because he trusted me. He honestly would never know just how much that meant to me.

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