Chapter Fourteen

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I was beyond pissed. For the best few days my life was training, therapy, meditation and time with Andrew. It had been decided for me that I best drop out of college. There were more important things to tend to as a luna here; we hadn't even had the ceremony yet.

I hadn't seen Vicky at all, she was either in the library or with Daniel. Clovis was not cooperating with me, if anything she was getting worse as we felt like we didn't have a choice in anything anymore.

I was currently sitting by the clearing with the river now I had finally escaped. I needed this time alone. I was just done with everything. "If their not careful they're going to take too long and the witches are going to get us before we can even fight back." I had Clovis telling me as I leant back, grateful for the distraction of hormonal boys having to be broken up so I could escape. "I know that but, what are we supposed to do, Clovis. We can't seem to work together."

"That's because we've never wanted the same thing, been on the same page. Alexa, we now do. We're mated and I know you're secretly hoping your pregnant. We both wanting our parents back if their alive. We can do this now."

"What if they're not alive?"

Since finishing heat it was all I could think about. I didn't care about the Marcus shit. That was being seen to so no one would get in trouble. I didn't want to get my hopes up but with my dad being the king, it was hard to. Surely they'd want to keep him alive and my mum so he still had strength.

I had Clovis whimpering at the thought. She was definitely right about us both getting on the same page but I knew that wasn't enough. We both knew that wasn't enough, it's why I was in constant training and having to meditate. No one seemed to note that not giving me a choice in anything and making me feel like a prisoner wasn't helping things.

"Lex." Only one person called me that, Althea. I hadn't seen her since our first meeting but, she looked beyond relieved to see me. "Althea?"

"Call me Al, the nicknames will help our kinds no to know we've met."

I was surprised that Clovis wasn't nagging me on leaving and being cautious about being around Al since she was on the opposing side. It kind of made me smile, she was starting to trust me more. "Okay, what's up?"

"They're nearly done. They're having a couple of attacks come from each side of your pack as a warning. Then the full attack will be in two weeks."

I waited for Clovis to comment but she didn't. It let me ask. "Why are you telling me?"

"I've been coming here every day since I found out. I don't want this to happen. I'm desperate for this not to happen. Please believe me."

I did believe her. I hopped over the river to her, she seemed skittish about my closeness but she stayed in place. All I could see was panic on Althea's pale features. "You were right, Alexa. She's no harm to us. She has a mate."

"How do you know that?"

"Smell her, she smells of wolf and witch."

I chuckled a little. "Oh, I bet that's been difficult. You and him."

"You have no idea. He's one of the warriors, found me on one of the patrols."

I sighed wrapping an arm around her. "Althea. I don't want a war either and I'm luna to this pack, well, when we've had the ceremony. Come back with me and we'll figure something out."

"I, I can't. My mum will know and she'll set the attack out sooner."

I pursed my lips and held the bridge of my nose as I tried to think. "Okay. To stop the war though, Al; we need the wolves free and we need to arrange a civil talk with who evers in charge." Althea looked down making me realise something awful. "It's your mum, isn't it?"

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