Chapter Seventeen

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I didn't know what to expect when I arrived at the pack my parents lead but it wasn't this. A countless amount of houses had been burnt to the ground and a castle had been badly damaged. Dry blood still stained rocks and stray household items scattered on the floor like the bones and skulls of the departed.

I refrained from crying as I forced my way to the castle, the castle that had most likely been my home for the first year of my life. I found myself running my fingers along the torn wallpaper as I wondered along, stopping when a saw a large photo of my parents. 

I knew they were my parents from the obvious resemblance I had with my mum, though I had my dad's blonde hair. They looked so happy looking at each other but when I saw a separate photo of just my dad, I realised what Delilah meant by him seeming scary.

Clovis had been begging me to let us come here since finding out about our parents and, after my argument with Andrew; I figured it was the best time. After a long while, I found a hall with two thrones at the end. What threw me was that one was not empty.

The woman with hair close to a golden colour and wearing white smiled at me. Though I should have been alarmed, I felt at ease and didn't flinch when she made her way over to me. "It's nice to finally meet one of my direct descendants in person." She grinned making my eyes widen.

"Moon goddess?"

"Well, yeah but call me, Iris my darling. We are family after all."

Iris held her hand out for me to take. I seemed to be frozen as I stares at the small, pale hand that was waiting for me. "Take it already, Alexa." Clovis barked at me. Slowly I did just for what happened here to play vividly in my mind. I saw the reason for the war.

"Alpha king, rogues have attacked some of the surrounding concerns again. Evelyn wants us to act." It was Ethan. He, my dad and many others were sitting at a large desk. It was clearly a meeting about what was to come.

A flash of rogues attacking the poor witches and wizards flashed through my mind as they desperately tried to defend themselves before switching back to the meeting. "Does Evelyn not realise that we share the same problem. We have to protect our own kind before hers."

It hurt to see how heartless my dad seemed but, he had a duty to his people before Evelyn's. "Sir, she is threatening war." Another member of the meeting spoke up. His eyes were glazed with worry, all but my dad's were. In fact, my dad just laughed. "And how is that going to work when they can't handle the rogues?"

"They have called all of covens in the country to assist. They've been making spells that can work on us." Another told my dad. My dad's hands slammed down on the desk with such ferocity that the table shook. "Why did nobody bloody tell me?! Ethan, call the vampires for a favour and all of you get ready for war."

I came back to see Iris giving me a sad smile. "As the war went on, all of the packs and covens joined in with the war. This was where it all happened. So many died and so many were captured and that's why you're needed." Iris started, guiding me to the thrones. I sat down on what would have been my mum's as she sat on my dad's. Her hands never left mine like her eyes never left mine. I saw they matched Clovis's amber colour. I didn't know what to do at this point but I could definitely see the resemblance.

"You are the only person who hasn't grown up with tales of the war, the tale that gets twisted with each time it's told so it's worse. As you noticed it's warped the minds of all my children. That's why I need you to fix the relationship between our neighbours."

I rubbed my face and looked forward. I looked at all the crumbling walls and remains of the departed that even were spread in here. It was heartbreaking. "I don't want another war, more lives being lost when it was something handled so badly."

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