Chapter Twenty-Four

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The moon goddess held my hand as she told Alexa what needed to be done, all whilst she told me more via mind link. "You need to get Alexa into hiding with guards staying with her. One has to be her dad! Only you and he have the strength to kill your father on your own. If she wasn't pregnant, Alexa could but she and the pup need protection. Their scent needs to be masked as well as her mum and dad's. She is going to be your dad's first target, Andrew."

"Why haven't you told her this?"

"I have my reasons. Please, just trust me and don't tell her I told you to do this."

"You've met Alexa, she's stubborn."

"It's not just her anymore though, is it?"

She cut the mind link and I turned to my pregnant mate. I could feel her pain, think about how my dad had to die to protect our people. I took her hand. "Sweetheart, I want you to go into hiding."

"What? No!" I sighed and glanced to find the moon goddess who was suddenly gone. "It's not just you anymore and I'm scared of something happening to you two if you don't."

"Can't you stay with me at least?" She pleaded with tears in her eyes. It made me want to cry myself. "No. I am still king and they will look for me to get to you. I'm going to get your dad and a few warriors to stay and protect you. Your mum, Delilah and Vicky can stay with you too." I told Alexa with a sigh. I didn't want to leave her.

I thought about what the moon goddess told me, only myself or the previous king were able to kill my dad on our own when his injuries recover soon. I had to kill him if Rory didn't. I didn't want my warriors risking their lives because of my dad and I feared those captured wouldn't be strong enough.

I kissed Alexa's head. "I'll get Kristin and Jerome to start making arrangements." I sighed. I rested my hand on Alexa's large stomach, enjoying feeling our little girl kick my hand. I moved to kiss it. "We are always going to protect you baby girl. I love you and your mummy so much."

It pained me knowing Alexa was trying not to cry, the entire journey back. I held her hand. The car ride was silent. I had been focussing on what needed to be done. Alexa and our pup were the most important things to me and Alexa was the most important wolf in existence right now, whether she liked it or not. Since being back in the world she had made a huge difference and solved over a decade long resentment for two different kinds of being. She had to be protected.

When we returned Kristin and Althea had bright smiles on their faces confusing us. "We are good. We already had a place of hiding built underground for cases like this your majesty, your highness. There's a standard property as cover just in front of the entrance where those protecting Alexa can stay, then those keeping her sane can stay below in the flat we've created."

"That's incredible. Thank you." I beamed, wrapping my arms tight around them. Alexa did the same after me. "We've got the scent to be nonexistent and it is all protected with magic. As you know though, there's only so much we can do." Kristin smiled and I refrained from hugging her again. Alexa's jealousy and made itself known through me.

"Show us where it is and get yourself safe. Things are going to have to happen sooner than we expected." They nodded. I felt Alexa's hand take mine. She could feel my nerves and dread. We hadn't time to prepare as much as we would have liked and she and the pup, god I couldn't bare the thought of losing them. "Only those with an imprint given to them by myself, Althea and Ada can make it even into the property. To get underneath, they have to share blood with the queen. I'm sorry your highness but..."

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