Chapter Sixteen

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There was a grand party after the ceremony in which, Andrew and I had managed to escape to talk to his parents. "What the hell? I told you I didn't want anyone knowing about Alexa's heritage; it's not safe." Andrew growled at his dad who wore a bored expression. It was clear to me that they both had very different alpha styles. It seemed to have brought a tension between them. It was a shame.

"Like it or not, Alexa has a duty and with being her your mate, it's your duty too. You cannot keep this information from your people. Accept that and have a nice time." Harriet pushed Ethan back out to the party and left us alone. Andrew's hand ran though his hair as he let out a breath. "Sorry."

"Don't be. He's not wrong, Andrew. It's been a quick ride but, it can't be helped. Come on, let's go and enjoy ourselves." I took Andrew's hand and lead him out to the crowd where everyone cheered. For hours the party went on, the celebration seemed more for the fact they had a king and queen again. Even if their original king and queen, my parents may have still been alive. Yet, because they'd be gone for more than a decade, I didn't blame them in the slightest.

"I'm so proud of you." I smiled as Andrew kissed my head. I couldn't stop smiling as Andrew wrapped around my waist as the music started off slow. "Uh, huh. When were you planning on telling me this was also a wedding, husband." Andrew chuckled. My words weren't harsh or bitter, there was no point of that so I just smirked. "Hmm, maybe now? The thing is, sweetheart how am I going to tell you things when you don't tell me?"

I nodded my head with a small laugh. "Well, that won't be lasting long you brute. I will tell you one thing though." I moved so my lips were right by his ear. "I love you and I cannot wait for us to be in our bedroom tonight." Andrew growled and I could feel his penis harden against me as we were so close together. It made me want to completely forget the party and have him try and fuck answers out of me again.

"Luna, we are under attack." Our head warrior mind linked me now he could. My eyes widened and I pulled from Andrew. This I couldn't keep from my king. "Daniel, get Vicky and Delilah safe now." I mind linked him and looked to Andrew who's eyes were on me intently. He could feel my concern and worry. "We're under attack."

"Alexa. Don't even think about it!"

It was too late. The crowd had been mind linked to get somewhere safe whilst I had already let Clovis out. Yes, we had our plan happening tomorrow but, I wasn't going to let my people handle this alone.

"Thank you for trusting me, Alexa." I could feel Clovis's happiness, despite our current predicament. We were finally clicked, a puzzle finally pieced together. There was battles on each edge like Althea had warned me. Thanks to Althea we were prepared but I am so happy I joined as there were two of our warriors injured to the point of shifting back.

Clovis took over the battle for them against the final three wolves that were remaining. The others were being dragged to the dungeon. Clearly my pack memberships hadn't realised their fellow comrades were in trouble.

They weren't expecting our attack which worked to Clovis's advantage as she was able to tackle one to the floor and chomp down on their lower back. It paralysed them and they dropped, shifting back as Clovis had the other wolves jumped on her back.

Clovis spun us round quickly, making them fall off us. She clawed at one to the point of possibly bleeding out to death, before breaking all four legs of the others. She let me take over so I could see to the two warriors struggling to heal. "Hey, it's okay. I've got help on their way."

I was covered in blood, yet I didn't feel dirty. I wasn't mad at Clovis anymore for acting the way she did. She did what she thought was necessary to protect us and everyone else. "Sweetheart?" I looked up to see Andrew looking at me in shock. "How are the other groups? How many were there?" Andrew sighed, brushing a hand through his hair, also covered in blood. "Lots but it's done, few warriors were badly injured but none fatal thankfully. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"No. That wasn't even the war. How are we going to manage if it's more than we took on today?" I moved to cup both of his cheeks and give him a passionate kiss. "Please, please trust me. Everything will be okay. Let's go and wash up."

Andrew stayed silent as I guided him upstairs to our bathroom. I ran us both a bath and had him sit in between my legs. I started brushing hair through my hands. "Daniel said that I'm not allowed because I'm too stubborn." Andrew started suddenly whilst I washed his body.

"You're just as stubborn you know?" I chuckled. I'm pretty sure there should be a photo of me next to the word stubborn for its definition. "I know that. Andrew, I just don't know if you'd agree with me because of how you were brought up. I know it's for the best, though."

Andrew was quick to sit up and turn to face me in our hot tub like bath. "You can't be so cryptic with me, Alexa. I'm the alpha, alpha king now thanks to you. I need to know these things." He cupped my cheeks and looked me dead in the eye before saying. "I promise to keep an open mind."


"Nope!" I had barked for about the millionth time since Alexa had finally told me her plan. We had been arguing for at least an hour now and we were getting no where. "This is why I didn't want to tell you! You grew up with your head being warped because of the battle."

"Excuse me? Warped?"

"I am the only one who can think logically and sort this shit out before anyone else gets hurt!" Alexa screamed at me, ignoring my angry question. Despite Alexa being as furious and passionate about all this, I had yet to see her eyes flicker to Clovis's Amber once. I was impressed.

"Bull shit! You know nothing about all this world Alexa! You have just come back into it! How they hell do you think you can manage to pull this shit off when you know nothing." Oh now I saw Clovis flash through. I had crossed a line. I knew that and I had Darius scolding me but, I refused to back down.

Alexa's eyes went back to green and locked on mine, in any intense glare which I returned. I had never felt so much anger radiate in Alexa and I was nervous for what was next as she slowly made her way to me. "You'd be surprised what I know you brute and may I remind you, though you are alpha king; I and luna queen and luna queen by blood. I do not need your permission. Join me, don't join me tomorrow; I don't care. I'm doing this!"

Alexa actually broke the door by slamming it, thanks to her strength. I didn't know quite what to do but, I knew not to follow her right now. She needed to calm down. Sighing, I decided to head to the library where I knew Vicky most likely would be. Thankfully, I was right.


"Hey, Alpha. Is everyone okay?"

I gave Vicky a weak smile and nodded my head before I took a seat opposite her. "Alexa and I just had a fight." I noticed Vicky sighed. She knew that Alexa had told me now but said nothing about it. Instead she pushed her note book forward. "I'm going to find her. Just, look at these notes we've been taking."

I didn't wait for Vicky to leave to open her note book. There was pages and pages of research about my kind and the magic kind. It had information on how we used to be, how we were on our owns, where the civil land was on and even a plan on what Alexa was going to say.

They had been working so hard to get all this information and plan what they were going to do, all to prevent a war and anymore loss. I thought back to what Alexa had said to me about having my mind warped to think about war or whatever. She was right, I had never thought about another way to go about it, even though I didn't know why the war started to begin with.

"Sweetheart, where are you?" I tried to mind link my luna but she blocked me out. No one had seen her which made me realise where she would most likely be, the cliffs. However, I was wrong. I was going insane not knowing where she was but, that didn't last long as I found a note from her on my desk.

I'll be back for the meeting tomorrow at sunset but, I have gone to find where the blue moon pack was a few hours away. At least you being on your own will get you to sleep but, you aren't stopping me Andrew. You maybe okay with more bloodshed but I'm not. See you soon.
-Alexa xx

I sighed. Blue moon pack was the last place I wanted her to go. That area was just ruins now and it was going to destroy her. It had never been cleaned up since the war. No one had been there since the war originally ended. Who knew what was there now? I had to stay here, I knew that but; I didn't want Alexa going alone. I didn't know a soul that would want to visit that place though. It was just a place that reminded you of what was lost but not gained all those years ago.

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