Chapter Twenty-One

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Six months later

"You are not doing it!"

"Tough shit."

This had become a pretty daily routine as I made my through my pregnancy with our little girl. I would have duties and jobs to do, Andrew wouldn't want me to. I'm the bloody queen and Andrew ensured there to be warriors and healers nearby at all times.

Today was different, there was no chance I was changing my mind like I had done a few times now. Pregnancy was difficult, even with Althea trying to help me with remedies and Delilah, Harriet and Vicky wanting to dote on me hand and foot.

Today I was meeting my dad for the first time. A lot had happened the past six months, covens and packs had officially merged into one community. Though it's still tense and everyone's learning their new roles and where; it's going well. More mates have been bonded and more babies are on the way. Vicky and Daniel are even expecting, though she is five months behind me.

"I'm sorry Alexa but, I have to agree. Your dad has been the most aggressive amongst the group. There is no telling what he may do. Can't you talk to your mum first?" Kristen pleaded.

Yeah, my parents were alive, and separated at the moment. They couldn't risk my dad getting so strong he could break free. I knew it would have been wiser to meet my mum first but, my dad needed to get used to what was going to be the new norm and to get over what happened in the past.

"I will be fine. Our species can sense when it's our offspring and other family members. He will know. Just let me do this."

I made my way into the old pack house, ignoring the stubborn woman comment behind me. I could feel my heart racing and my little girl stirring as I got close to where I knew my dad was. I took the handle and a deep breath. I of course had met my dad, just never at a point where I could remember him. He missed every milestone of mine and after all this time, I was going to see him.

I opened the door cautiously and took a step in, there he was. My dad stood from his comfy couch, standing tall and broad just like I had seen in that photo. His once blonde hair was slowly greying and his chocolate eyes were piercing into me.

There was only silence as I took me in. "You can't be." He muttered under his breath, making me smile a little. "Rory, my name is Alexa Knight. However I was Alexa Moon a while back." His eyes seemed to widen but I could tell how wary he was, like this was a trick. He moved back to the couch and placed his head in his hands whilst I made my way to him.

I cautiously took a seat right by him and rested my hand on his shoulder. I could feel his body relax a little which settled me. "I arranged the treaty, and I'd love you to join the community. I'd love to get to know my dad." Finally, my dad looked me in the eye, my tear filled eyes that were threatening to fall.

"You're actually her." I nodded my head, just to have my dad's arms suddenly wrapped tightly around me. I burst into a fit of sobs. I cried into my dad's chest, enjoying experiencing his comfort for the first time that I could remember. His lips kissed my head before he rested his head on mine. "My baby girl. God, I've missed you so much." He pulled away to look at me and wipe my tears away like I had only imagined over the years.

"Look at you all grown up, Queen Alexa and a mum to be. You look so much like your mum. How is she?"

"Okay, I think. I thought it would be wise to see you first. It is going to take you longer to get used to the new changes after all." My dad's face fell. His lips went into a straight line. "Dad, please trust me. I want you to be free but I can't risk anyone hurting them now we have the treaty. It's for the best." He chuckled a little. "So much like your mum. We'll make a plan but, I want to be with your mum again and, I want to see you daily whilst I'm getting used to it."

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