Chapter Eight

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Now I had realised that I had basically been thrown into the deep end, I figured it was time to learn more about myself. Andrew had agreed for me to see the doctor and his mum of all people tomorrow but, I needed to talk to my aunt.

Delilah was sitting on the patio of the pack house with a glass of wine and a book. I didn't know what to think about her right now. She was the only human without a mate here and not only that but, she wouldn't let the pack give her shit.


"Alexa, hey. I'm guessing you're ready to talk a bit more."

I nodded, taking the seat next to her. Sighing she turned to face me. "Let's start with your mum, shall we?" I nodded.

DELILAH POV- Nineteen years ago.

"Dee?" It worried me to hear this tone of my sister's. Last time I heard it was when she had been arrested and called me, not wanting our parents to find out. "This better not be bad, Kat. It won't do the baby any good."

I looked over to my sister who's black hair was in a messy bun as she wore her work uniform and looked out to the mere we lived near and often came to when I came to visit our parents. "Do you believe in werewolves?"

"Yeah, and pixies, elves, the bogey man." I teased my sister who huffed at me. "Why'd you ask?"

"A lot has happened since you've been gone."

I cocked an eyebrow just for Katrina to remove her scarf, revealing a scar of a large bite mark, a bite mark not made by a human. "Kat?" I was starting to worry now when a large, very good looking man with bright blonde hair, green eyes came our way. My little sister grinned and ran straight for him. She leaped into his strong arms and they kissed with passion.

"Jesus Christ, Kat, PDA."

"Just because you're married to a prude." She teased, leaving this man's arms to bring him over to me. "This is Rory Moon. Alpha of the blue moon pack. I am his Luna and we." I burst out in hysterical laughter. What were these two on? I didn't care about the bite mark; werewolves weren't real. 

Rory growled at me, his green eyes flickering to amber. It freaked me out a little. "Come." Something about Rory's voice made me obey him. I followed as he entered the deepest depths of the forests. There I watched Rory transform into a large, silvery white wolf with large amber eyes staring down at me. My baby sister stroked him. "This is Aldrich, Rory's wolf."

I honestly was lost for words. What was in front of me was incredible but, I just couldn't get my head around it. "We're pregnant, Dee." That was not helping my lack of words. My sister, my nineteen year old sister was pregnant. "The thing is, there's a war blooming in Rory's world and if it does I need you to take care of our baby. You will be her guardian."

Seventeen years ago.

I opened my front door to see Katrina. Her face was stained with tears as she held her baby girl, Alexa in her arms. I knew what it meant. I had made her a promise two years ago, not thinking that it would actually happen. "Can't you stay with her? You're human." I asked feeling tears come. If Katrina stayed, there was no way she'd survive the war, even if Rory was her mate and would want to protect her.

"It's not that simple, Dee. I'm Blue moons Luna; I can't just leave them. Please, please take care of my little girl. Someone will find her when it's safe. I love you." Crying, she handed Alexa over to me and kissed her head before running off, leaving me in tears as well.

ALEXA POV- present

"That's when I last saw your mum. Alexa, your mum was the bravest, most caring woman I have ever known and, though I haven't a clue what's happened to her, I'm adamant she's still alive somewhere. You look so much like her, though the blonde is your dad. He was a scary guy, your dad and I only met him four times.
They both loved you so much. It was the hardest thing they would have had to do but, they did what was best for you." 

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