Chapter Seven

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I appreciated Alexa's honesty but, it didn't make hearing those words hurt any less. I could see how much this was hurting Alexa too. Even if I wasn't the alpha in need of the heir, I would want pups. I had always wanted pups. I hated myself for turned silent when Alexa said she didn't know if she wanted pups, therefore didn't know if we could be together, even if she didn't want to reject me.

"I just need to think about it, Andrew. I'm not saying I don't want them now my reasoning is mute, please say something."

"Say something, idiot." Darius barked at me.

Alexa wrapped her arms around my neck and moved to her tiptoes to kiss me. It was the first kiss she had initiated and I wasn't wasting a beat. I kissed Alexa with everything I had. I didn't want her to feel pressured but, I truly hoped our bond would help make up her mind. From what Darius had told me, Clovis wanted pups. It was just Alexa and that made me hopeful. I took a tight grip of Alexa's ass, wanting her to jump and wrap her legs around me. I carried her to our bed but as I put her down, I decided I had to pull away. "Andrew?"

I rubbed my face, refusing to let myself cry in front of her but, the idea of Alexa rejecting me, no matter how likely or unlikely was killing me. "I'll give you some time to think, sweetheart. Just the idea of you rejecting me is killing me. I want our bond to change your mind but I also don't want to pressure you. We can't mate until you know what you want, Alexa."

Alexa's eyes went black. She and Clovis clearly were clearly having a talk between themselves when Alexa's eyes switched to a beautiful amber. "Clovis?" Clovis was in control of Alexa's form right now, only making Darius want to break through but, I knew what would happen if I did. Alexa was already on bad terms with Clovis, I couldn't let that get worse. "It is and trust me, hot stuff, as stubborn Alexa is, she does want all that stuff. I can feel it."

Clovis and Alexa seemed to be battling for control as the eye colour kept changing, flickering from Alexa's green and amber. If this kept going, they were going to get hurt. I quickly cupped Alexa's soft cheeks. I had to bring her back. "I need Alexa back. Clovis, you're both going to get hurt if you don't stop fighting to have control. Please, let me talk to her."

Finally, it was only green eyes that I could see, drained ones at that. I honestly hadn't realised how bad it could be between Alexa and her wolf. Darius and I needed to help them. Alexa  looked beyond drained, her eyes looked like they could shut at any moment. It was worrying. I had never known someone to be so at war with their wolf at times. They weren't at one with each other.

"Alexa, sweetheart, are you okay?" I asked gently still cupping her face. "I'm tired."

"I want to take you to Dr Malins to make sure."

Alexa moaned at me, shaking her head. Sighing, I moved her so her head rested on the pillows on her side of the bed. "Alexa and Clovis sleep now." As if by magic, Alexa was suddenly asleep. I sighed. She needed to see Dr Malins and I needed to talk to Vicky. She knew Alexa and Clovis better than anyone.

I mind linked Dr Marlins, our best pack doctor to get to us as soon as she could and Daniel to get Vicky to come and see me. I stayed by Alexa's side, wrapping her arms around her in hopes that it would help her recover from what ever it was. It was terrifying me. I had never known anything like this to happen before.

Vicky arrived first with Daniel. Vicky's eyes were filled with tears as she looked at Alexa sleeping in my arms. "Not again." I had told Daniel what had happened. Vicky's words intrigued me but, also relaxed me;  she had been through this before and she was okay.

"This has happened before?"

Vicky sighed, moving to take a seat by her friend. She took her hand. "Yeah. Alexa has nearly committed suicide on a few occasions. What follows is a huge argument and battle for control with Clovis that ends up knocking them out. From what Alexa has told me, during the time they are asleep, she and Clovis are still conscious in a way and are trying to talk things through."

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