Epilogue- 20 years later

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Normal was an interesting term for us now. It didn't seem to exist because the norm would be constantly changing. Now it was going to be Andrew bitching and moaning about how we only had one child unmated because he was only thirteen and had just had his first shift on his birthday. Faith found her mate roughly four months after she turned eighteen and now Tiana came to us for dinner with a fresh mark on her neck.

Andrew snarled by me at her newly found mate, Jake. It didn't matter that he was Jerome's son. He just hated that our daughters were... active and he couldn't even be kept in the dark. "Benji, get that ass down here. Your sisters and grandparents are here."

"They're always here." My moody teen grumbled entering the dining room. Thank you puberty for destroying my sweet little boy. He was right though. My parents kept to their word and lived with us, there was plenty of space after all so Andrew and I did get time to our own.

Over the years things had changed to say the least, from the merging of two communities, the death of Andrew's father which he had to carry out, finding a land for those captive who agreed to not harm any magical being, but refused to live on the same land. We had over come a lot of obstacles over the years. It always made me laugh considering what I was like when we first met.

Now I was the queen and apparently the most famous and loved wolf come to date. I had made a lot of differences for the good and they even made a day for me. It was flattering but, I also hated it.

I hadn't seen Iris since before Ethan had to die. I was grateful though, it meant we didn't need her help. It made me feel safe and comfortable that me three amazing children were safe. "Your majesty." Parker, Althea and Douglas's eldest caught my attention. I rolled my eyes as often did at someone addressing me like that. "Yes, love?"

"I would like to start helping the younger pack members become one with their wolves."

I looked to Benji who was pushing his spinach around on his plate. His wolf, Charlie seemed to be a pain in his backside at the moment, according to Benji. It was the same when I first shifted, it's getting used to it and getting control. "That's very noble of you, Parker. I'm sure we could find a position for you."

"Yeah, if you stop banging my daughter." I heard Andrew mutter, so slapped him around the back of the head. "Ow."

"Oh get over it. Never mind him you lot. He's over protective." I loved Andrew being so protective even after all this time. This was just different, he knew the days would come where our children would find mates. He needed to accept it.

"I don't blame him baby girl. I would have been the same. In other words, Andrew probably wouldn't have been here long enough for you even to mate." My dad announced making the group laugh. My eyes kept on drifting to Benji. The new norm was going to be him getting used to his wolf and training. I could see he was struggling. I had too. I hated to see any of my kids struggling and I knew this was one of the most difficult times.

"Benji, come with me." I instructed, practically dragging him from his video game and to the edge of the kingdom where  knew it was now safe. Though we still had patrols and warriors, including myself; we hadn't had a rogue in any kingdom for years now. It was a peaceful time and I was very grateful for that even if it probably last too much longer. There was always bound to be something dramatic to come.

"Right bud, struggling with Charlie?

Benji just nodded. "I get it and I didn't have anyone helping me get used to having Clovis. It took years and us actually coming here to become one. It can take time but it'll be worth it, for now. Just sit and talk to him. I do it with Clovis."

"Why here?"

"Because we're in between worlds here, human and wolf. I lived in that house over there. I killed my uncle in that house over there. I grew up in that house thinking I was the last wolf."

"Your point, mum?" Benji groaned at me. I hated the early teenager stage. I let out a deep breath. "You don't have to talk to Charlie here, I'll show you the best place when it's light out. I brought you here so I can show you where I felt lost and alone. You're not alone, we are all here to help you so, don't shut us out." Benji nodded with a weak smile. "I'll show you that spot in the morning, let's get back. I need to make sure your dad doesn't kill Faith's or Tiana's mates."

Benji laughed loudly. "That's going to be you when I get a mate." I denied it, though I knew it was probably a lie. He was my little prince after all. "Love you bud, go get some sleep."

I headed up to mine and Andrew's room where he stood at the window. Those who built out home were kind enough to make sure we got a similar view as we did before. He turned at smiled brightly sensing me. "Parker and Jake are still alive?" Andrew's smile faded as he grunted at me and moved so his arms were wrapped around my waist. I moved his around his neck. "I love you so much." He grinned moving to kiss me. I noticed his eyes turn white of all things and it concerned me. "Andrew!"

"Yes, sweetheart?" Andrew kissed my nose and smiled. The mood goddess is finally letting me tell you something she told me twenty years ago after my dad died." I raised my eyebrow warily. I would have pulled away if Andrew would have let me, the brute.

"One, she was actually the one to kill my dad but I'll explain that another time."

"What the fuck?"

"The other is that you are one of the previous moon goddesses reincarnated and will be back to being moon goddess when you do pass, with me helping by your side." I couldn't find any words to say other than. "Why tell me now?"

"Because soon enough, Iris is going to have to help us get ready. Of course, only you and I will know and it'll be a long time until it happens but, it's a lot so, we need training." I nodded. I guess I understood it. It was awfully overwhelming though. I was to be the moon goddess when I died, at least I'd have Andrew by my side and I'd be able to watch over those I loved.

"I love you, you brute."

"I love you too sweetheart."

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