Chapter Ten

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I was not looking forward to today. I didn't want to have a doctor tell me all that's wrong with me, nor did I want to meet my mates mum under the circumstances I was. Andrew the bastard, was leaving me alone with both. I know he had work to do but, still.

"Good morning, Luna. It's lovely to meet you. I'm Dorothy Marlins, the lead pack doctor here." I pursed my lips. Luna was a title I was going to have to get used to. There was a hell of a lot I was going to have to get used to, Clovis was constantly reminding me of that and, I was trying to trust her but it was becoming more difficult.

"Please call me, Alexa. I'm still just getting used to all this shit." Dorothy gave me a small smile and a nod of the head before checking all my vitals. She seemed quite happy with them but I knew the hard part was to come, talking.

"So, Alexa. I was made aware of your close call and your, passing out shall I say? Vicky explained that's happened before." I shrugged. Suicide was not exactly a topic I enjoyed talking about. I was ashamed enough each time as it was. "I must say, I've never known someone quite so young and of wolf blood to suffer from such anxiety and depression."

"Do not make a sarcastic comment, Alexa. Dorothy is trying to help us."

"I honestly don't know what to tell you. I've grown up thinking I was the only one of my kind." Dorothy sighed and nodded her head in understanding. "I would like to have weekly or fortnightly appointments to talk and help you get settled in here. Would that be okay?"

"It's probably for the best, Alexa."

I agreed with Clovis. This was all so overwhelming for me. I wasn't stubborn enough to deny help when it was offered and other than Vicky, no one had offered. "Thank you Dorothy, is fortnightly okay?"

"Of course, Luna. Sorry, Alexa."

I was thankful that the doctors appointment was short and not as bad as I was expecting, even if I did wonder if Dorothy was keeping anything from me.

"Everything okay? I can feel you getting nervous." I heard Andrew through mind link. I rolled my eyes. He fucking knew why I was nervous and he was being a pussy by not coming to at least introduce me to his mother and the previous Luna. He had warned me about her bitterness due to his dad's injury and quite frankly I wasn't going to take her shit.

"You know exactly why I'm nervous, you ass hat." Andrew didn't reply but I could feel his amusement. Oh, he was going to get it later. I knocked on the door of my in laws, I guess I should call them and waited anxiously for the door to open.

The woman who opened the door had a face like smacked arse. It must have been his mum. "Harriet Knight?" She scowled at me. Andrew and Harriet shared a striking resemblance with the blonde hair and blue eyes, accept his were actually welcoming and kind. "It's Mrs Knight, come in."

"She doesn't know who we are to her son." Clovis told me. I guess she figured she would have treated us better if she had. Somehow, I doubted it. "It's been a long time since I've helped anyone bond and become one with their wolf. Normally, they're a lot younger than you."

I bit my tongue from commenting on how rude this woman she was being. She had to go through that war, have her kids taken away from her and her husband became paralysed the waist down. I had to be at least a bit sympathetic.

"Well, I was found late." I explained briefly as Harriet guided me out into her large garden. Her husband was there reading with a smile on his face. Clearly he had come to terms with al that had happened, she had not. "Ethan. I've got to do that favour for our son, go inside."

"Nope. I'm curious on why an eighteen year old needs such help."

Clovis snarled in my head. For an previous alpha and Luna, they didn't seem very pleasant. "Fine. Well, she claims she was found late. "

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