Chapter Fifteen

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I was torn between being concerned, proud or confused. Alexa had become very involved with the pack. Mostly, my warriors. She seemed to want to get to know each one in private. Alexa had thrown herself into her training and meditation and when she wasn't doing that, being in the library or, with me she and Vicky were sneaking off.

Tonight was the ceremony and I couldn't shake off the feeling that she was hiding something. I could feel her confidence and determination but, I felt like it wasn't for the reasons she was portraying. Darius had got nothing from Clovis which was new, normally Clovis would easily fess up what Alexa is up to. It should have reassured him but, he couldn't shake it off.

I was standing at the alter where we'd be holding the ceremony and looking out to where everyone was decorating and my mother was trying to help Alexa with her relationship with Clovis, though she had been extremely at peace it seemed after her demand of the ceremony being today. I understood how imprisoned she had felt, I could feel it myself as much as I tried to push it down. It was selfish in a way but I had been trying to think about the pack and how we all needed Alexa to reach her full potential.

"Daniel, has Vicky spoken to you about her and Alexa's sneak offs?" I had to ask. If anyone was going to know and tell me, it was going to be him. "No. No she has not."

"Really, lying to your alpha, Daniel?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. Daniel knew I could easily use my alpha tone on my friend. I decided to be nice and give him a chance. Although I suddenly had Alexa in my head. "Trust me, you brute. Anything Vicky and I are doing are in everyone's best interest." I glanced over to see her smirking at me. So, something was going on.

Considering Alexa's heritage, I wasn't surprised that she had heard me. Her senses were a lot stronger than even mine, her strength, her speed, it all out-shun us and yet, other than my family, Jerome, Mandy, Daniel, Vicky and of course, Delilah, no one else knew of her bloodline. It was safer that way.

"Actually, leave it, Daniel. I'll sort it."

I trusted Alexa but I was confused. What was going on that I wasn't allowed to know about? I rubbed my face. I felt the world on my shoulders right now. There had been two attacks already and I could only imagine things were going to get worse. I didn't need anymore stress. "Bedroom. Now, sweetheart." I mind linked Alexa who's green eyes locked on mine. She was so beautiful and I couldn't wait to see her belly swell with my pup in there and for her to be my luna but, I'd have to wait to all this shit was over to enjoy it.

Not to my surprise, Alexa was in our room before me and looking through the window that she seemed to love so much. I moved to wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck. I loved how she shivered at my touch. "What aren't you telling me, sweetheart?"

"Nothing you need you worry about. You need to trust me." She hummed, placing her hands on my arms. I loved how she'd become settled in the life of having a mate, because I could never imagine my life without her now.

"And you need to trust me. Sweetheart, I'm stressed and worried about all that's going on, please settle my nerves and tell me what's going on."

Alexa sighed and turned in my arms to face me. Her arms wrapped around my neck, as she wore a sly smile. Oh she knew what she was doing to me when she pressed her sexy body at mine. I could feel her arousal but I know it wasn't her arousal making her do this. "Nothing you need to worry about."

I pulled away feeling my patience wavering. I was the alpha for Christ sake! "Alexa, if it's regarding everything that's going on then I have to know! I trust you sweetheart but I am still the alpha of this pack. I have a responsibility." Alexa sighed. I could feel her conflicting feelings. I ran my hands through my hands pulling myself away before Darius acted because he could smell how horny our mate actually was.

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