Chapter Eleven

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I was out running for a long time after hearing Andrew with his parents. I didn't know where to go where no one would find me. I knew it was stupid but I left the border and ran mindlessly until I found a clearing. I shifted back down and moved to sit next to the narrow river in the clearing, deciding to put my feet in.

"You're over reacting." Clovis sang in my head but I chose to ignore it. I chose to ignore every nagging feeling in my head as I leant back, felt the cold air hit my body as leaves that were becoming crispy thanks to autumn flew around me. "We need to go, Alexa. Someone is here. Someone not human and not a wolf."

I ignored Clovis again. I really couldn't have cared less. I simply watched as a girl probably similar to my age emerged from the trees across the river and took a seat herself. She seemed unfazed by me and my nakedness so I figured I'd stay to myself and seem unfazed by her earthy appearance. She was someone at one with nature and I was envious of that right now.

"I just want you to know." The girl started getting my attention. "Even if a war is coming between your kind and mine, I don't want to be apart of it." She continued fiddling the the hem of her dress. Ignoring Clovis's objections I sighed and leant forward. "Trust me, me too. Wars a pointless."

"I agree. Who even knows what the wars about now anyway? It's been seventeen years since it even began. I mean, I was three."

"I was one. Just got back into this civilisation it seems."

I had Clovis calling me all sorts of names and demanding I left. She was cautious understandably but, my gut told me there was nothing to worry about. I trusted my gut. "I'm Althea by the way. Althea Rivers."

"Alexa. My wolf would destroy me if I shared my last name so, my apologies for not sharing that info." Althea chuckled but waved he'd hand at me. Her hair was long, braided and white. She had pale skin like she'd never seen the sun and she had a troubled aura around her which is why my gut told me I was safe.

"It's fine. Why share that information with a witch when they're the enemy." Ah so she was a witch. Knowing that, I had to ask. "Did any vampires survive?"

"They're undead, Lex; of course they did. They just couldn't be arsed anymore." I laughed at that. It seemed weird to be talking so easily to someone that was supposedly the enemy and wanting to wipe my kind out. Althea clearly didn't, nor did I want to wipe out her kind. I could have seen us being friends if it weren't for all this pointless shit. "I think we should make a deal if this war does arise and we're forced to fight." Althea started again.

"Oh yeah."

"We at least don't harm each other. I think that's all we can promise at this point."

Sadly I agreed that was the best we could do right now. Especially with how no one was telling me the truth, who knew what was to come between mine and Althea's kind? "I think that's fair. Hey, maybe I'll see you here again."

"Maybe. I best get back before I get a right bollocking from my mum." A weak smile made its way to my lips. I would have loved to be the one saying it. I wanted my mum and dad back but, that was never going to happen.

Both Althea and I left the clearing to return to our homes. I opted for heading to the pool rather than my favourite spot this time, I didn't want to see Andrew right now and I knew he'd be waiting for me there. Then again, I knew he was going to be pissed that I was just walking around the nude with no care. It's not like I hadn't seen anyone else do it. I just knew it was because he was my brute of a mate.

I didn't miss the curious glances that came my way. I wasn't surprised, even the men who met Delilah and I at the border didn't know who I was to this pack, though they did seem to recognise my name. No one spoke as I dove in finally losing my shit when I re-emerged from the water. "Yes, I'm new here! Get a grip and get on with your lives. I'm no one important."

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