Chapter Four

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"Who the hell is that guy?" Marcus barked at me, practically throwing me into his study and into his desk. The corner whacked my tail bone on the corner. I cursed. "Don't you curse at me madam!" I heard Clovis growling, her urge to come to the surface heightening.

"Don't even think about it." I warned my wolf as Marcus got closer to me. The look on his face was threatening. His normal hazel eyes were as dark as I had seen and narrowed into slits. I wasn't scared of him but, if I was just human I knew I would have been.

"What is your problem with me Marcus?" I calmly asked whilst Clovis got ready to pounce. Marcus started to remove his belt which, made my heart jolt. What was he planning? If he wasn't careful Clovis was going to take control; that was the last thing I wanted.

"My own family love you more than me. My wife wants me out the house so you can stay here until"

"Wait. What? Delilah hates me just like you do."

A foul, retched growl came from Marcus. All I could do was crease my eyebrows. I really hadn't a clue what this deranged bastard was on about. "Vicky was the only welcoming one in this house."

"You stupid, naive girl. You have been ruining my life since I can remember but, I loved my wife so much I let you stay, provided for you, acted as if a gave a crap."

I shook my head and laughed. "Yeah. No you didn't."

A loud slap echoed in the room. The dick back handed me. Clovis was desperately trying to get free and I was close to breaking but, I didn't want him to defeat me by making my wolf act on my behalf. "You ungrateful bitch!" Marcus slapped me again so my head whipped the other way.

My patience, my control was slowly diminishing. I had my hands turning into fists and clenching. "Clovis let me deal with this."
"Then do it! Or I will!"

"You remember I'm a black belt, right?"

Marcus punch me. I didn't think twice but to punch him back and kick him from me. Marcus's eyes stayed on me as he switch what hand was holding his belt. I smirked. Yeah he wasn't going to win this fight. Marcus whipped the belt in my direction but I quickly grabbed it and used my wolf strength to rip it in two. My eyes stayed on Marcus who looked alarmed by my action but it didn't stop him.

Marcus went to punch me and grab my neck but I quickly blocked him and shoved him against the desk, holding his arm up his back. I could feel Clovis coming to the surface and I was starting to struggle to hold her off. Her determination to take control was scaring me. Last time she felt this angry was when that guy tried to rape me so, god only knew what she'd do.

"I am going to kill you, Alexa Moon."

"Clovis don't." I panicked as I found myself forced into the back seat. Clovis ignored my pleas as she leant to put her mouth by Marcus's ear. "Correction Marcus, I am going to kill you."

"Clovis no!"

The next few moments were a blur. All I saw was blood, guts, body pieces flying all over the place as Clovis shook Marcus in her jaws. He had died the second she tore Marcus's throat from his body, but she acted as if he was still suffering. Clovis through the deserved all the pain in the world. I however, did not.

When Clovis finally shifted back and let me take control, all I could see was red in this once white, spotless office. I sprinted outside the house, collapsing to my knees to puke and sob. "Clovis, what did you do?"

"It's your fault. You didn't act so I acted for us."

"He didn't deserve to die"

I was sobbing uncontrollably when Delilah pulled up. My eyes widened. Clovis had just killed her husband, I had just killed her husband because I couldn't keep control. I had killed my best friend's dad. I was a murderer. "No you're not, I am."

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