Chapter Six

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I don't know what time it was when I woke up but, the sun was just starting to rise and peak through the curtains. I had woken up wearing a top of Andrew's which he insisted I wore. It felt bizarre and even more bizarre to be sharing a bed with him but, it felt natural.

When I had woken up, Andrew was spooning me. His snores were quiet but enough to let me know he was still sleeping. I managed to slip from his grip but I didn't go far, I just made my way to the window and slipped myself behind the curtain.

This was quickly becoming one of my favourite spots here. It was soothing to me for some reason and I could think clearly now I had managed to pass the day of insanity.

On my birthday I found my mate and Vicky found hers, that was one thing but yesterday. Yesterday felt never ending, college, a talk with Andrew then I killed Marcus just to come here, nearly commit suicide and have Andrew pleasure me like no one else had.

I sighed thinking about how Delilah had mentioned my mum. Katrina Moon, she seemed to be well known in the community and made me wonder who my dad was, the dad who was the actual reason I was a wolf myself. The question Jerome asked Delilah came to mind. If my mum was human, why couldn't she have taken care of me instead of being in the war?

"Morning. How'd you sleep?" I heard Andrew's angelic voice come up behind me and open the curtains. "Good, thank you." Andrew's arms wrapped round me as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "Are you normally such a early riser?"

"Nope. Normally Vicky is having to wake me up. She pushed me out of my bed yesterday."

Andrew chuckled and kissed my cheek "Let's let Darius and Clovis have a run, shall we?"

My eyes widened at the suggestion as I turned to face him. Clovis had been nothing but trouble recently, why would he want to let her out. Of course I had Clovis yipping at me hopefully and running in circles before jumping up. "She will be fine, Alexa. If you keep pushing back on her she will only fight back and become more aggressive. You two don't seem to be on the same page, that's not going to help anyone."

Being an alpha I had to trust that he knew what he was talking about. I knew I was no expert, everything I knew was from books so I needed to know more. I sighed. I had been blaming Clovis for so long for things but it wasn't just her fault. I blamed her for not being on the same page as me when, I was just as bad.


Andrew grinned at me and slowly removed his clothes and mine, never moving his eyes from mine. "We will take a towel for us. How many tattoos do you have, sweetheart?"

"Seven. I shouldn't have had them done but I look older than eighteen."

Andrew kissed the tattoo of an eclipse that was just above my breast. I sucked in a breath. He moved to his knees to kiss the wolf howling on my right hip and the word believe that was on my inner left thigh. I moaned moving to press my back against the glass but, Andrew stood and turned me round.

Andrew moved to kiss the symbol for peace that rested towards my shoulder blade, then the sign for strength that I had just under my neck. Finally, Andrew kissed the word faith that rested near my arm pit before spinning me back round. I knew my eyes were darkening with lust as I felt that arousal fill me again. I could hear Andrew's heart racing like my own. "What are you doing to me?" I finally asked in the haze.

"You are so beautiful, Alexa Moon. I'm the luckiest guy to have found you." He smashed his lips to mine in a punishing kiss. We kissed with a fiery passion I didn't know existed. My body was taking full control as I wrapped both my arms and legs around him. When I did he pulled away. "If we don't stop now, I am really going to struggle stopping at all."

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