Chapter Twenty-Two

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My daughter was amazing. I couldn't believe she had become such an incredible woman. She was so beautiful, like her mum and a leader like me but better. I would have never thought to combine lands together. She was strong and, to see how much she and her mate, Andrew loved each other eased me.

Not many knew this but, Andrew's dad chose Harriet as his mate. His actual mate was a human and he refused to allow his genes to merge with impure genes. His offspring had to be pure breed. I accepted it until I met Katrina.

When I met Katrina, I never understood how he could have rejected her. Katrina became my everything so quickly and then Alexa came. We were so happy. Then it happened, the war. The war that caused Ethan's injury. After being captured, I learned truths that I couldn't believe. Not until the moon goddess showed me the truth via dream, Iris felt that it needed to be known, as a warning in case myself, Katrina or Alexa were at risk.

I wasn't surprised when Andrew turned up later that day without Alexa. Thankfully he knocked because Katrina and I were definitely making up for lost time in every way possible. Katrina was comfy in my shirt whilst I stayed in my pants when Andrew came in.

"Hi. Sorry I dragged Alexa out before. I know you want to spend any moment you can with her." I could tell that Andrew felt awkward around us in our half naked and messy state. "It's fine. It gave us time to get reunited. We can't wait to get to know her though." Katrina smiled brightly behind me. I couldn't even express how happy I knew she was to be with me and know our daughter was safe and going to be with us again. It was all we ever wanted.

"I'm guessing you're here to ask about your dad." I sighed, taking a seat by Katrina and bringing her to my lap. I moved my nose to her neck, taking in her scent that I had missed so much. "I am. I would have gone to talk to my dad but, Alexa made sure that I couldn't."

I chuckled. My little girl was a smart one. "I'm not going to tell you and not her Andrew, and my wolf is not ready to be out with those covens. I'm fine but he'd want to tear them to shreds."

Andrew seemed to think something over, running his hand through his hair. Thankfully the kid looked more like his mother or, I was have struggled to keep Edward quiet, even if he was Alexa's mate. "Maybe you join us in a meeting using zoom?"

"What's zoom?"

Andrew's eyes closed tight for a minute as his entire body cursed. Of course things had changed as progressed over the fourteen years we had been held captive. I was curious to see just how much, already things seemed different now Alexa had made sure we'd been transferred to a more luxury filled prison that seemed for like a flat.

We had access to a tv and DVD player with a decent variety, note books and pens, actual books, actual bathing supplies and a emergency line if we needed to reach the alpha and luna. My daughter and her mate. Decent meals and snacks were left for us daily but we were only allowed water from the tap, but I couldn't complain now I had Katrina with me and knowing my baby girl was making everything better.

"It's like a video chat. You'll be able to talk to us via the internet."

"We don't have internet here bud."

"Well, you and Katrina will. Whilst you are getting your wolf settled to the changes, you can join the meetings but just from there and I'll bring you a laptop, or maybe Alexa can and she can teach you how to use it. Maybe you guys have the day together. I need her to bloody rest for once."

My beautiful mate started laughing hysterically. "Let me guess, Alexa is stubborn, hard headed, determined and a bit of a control freak." I rolled my eyes whilst Katrina laughed at my expense and Andrew nodded. "Oh she has definitely taken after you on those." Katrina laughed more. "Please do, Andrew." I started deciding to ignore her amusement. "I'd like nothing more to be involved again and spend time with Alexa and actually be useful again."

"I'll get it done. I'll arrange a meeting for Monday and will have everything set up for you, tomorrow."

Even after all that, I could still sense how nervous he was around us. I kind of felt bad for the lad. It took a lot to come to me and ask questions, especially all the circumstances that there were to consider regarding me. He was the king now but I used to be, I could have easily have lost my shit for losing my title and for so many other reasons. I knew no one could trust me right now in person. Yet, Andrew had the balls to face me. I admired that. He was going to be a great king. I was never going to tell him that, though.


I wasn't mad that Alexa had gone behind my back to make sure I didn't see my dad. I would have been a hypocrite, since I didn't tell her that I was going to go and see him. It was kind of nice that she knew me that well.

I made my way to the palace that was close to being completed thanks to the combined hard work of pack and coven members. It didn't feel real, everything that had happened over the past half year. All of it was because of my incredible mate who was currently talking to Vicky and Ada. Vicky and Ada had been assigned to arranging foster homes, children groups and nurseries. Many of the projects occurring had a team with both wolves and magic beings involved.

The meeting we had arranged for today was to discuss new laws and current ones. Things had obviously changed and questions were starting to be raised about leaders and governments. This kingdom was now known as Beitreten, meaning joined in German, Alisha had come up with it after hours on google translate.

"We're not German." I had told her a million times as she got ready to put the idea forward. "Oh yeah and joined is a great kingdom name." I smiled at her sarcasm. Most hated it but I found it amusing.

"Hey, we need to get ready. I also want to talk to you about something." I caught Alexa's attention, wrapping my arms around her but resting my hands on her large belly. Feeling our angel kick was one of the best feelings I had ever known. "Right. Okay. You guys know where to find me."

"I'm not slowing down." Alexa suddenly told me as we headed to our joint office. "Not even to spend the day with your parents tomorrow." That had Alexa stopping in her tracks. I knew I had got her. That flutter of her heart and excitement she felt was enough to tell me that. "Please. I want you to take a break even if it's just for a day." I pressed and she grinned.

"Fine. One day."

The rest of the day dragged. I had always hated meetings and now I was king, it had got worse. Everyone looked to Alexa and I for answers and guidance. It was overwhelming, even if Kristin and her daughters were classed as royals.

The new laws were all around no hate crimes towards our kind and the covens. On the most part the other laws stayed the same there was just a few adjustments. As the meeting went on, I could see Alexa's energy draining. She was working herself too hard and it wasn't just me who was worried about her. Dorothy and Pete, the two leading doctors were and of course all who loved her.

"Vicky. I need you to help convince Alexa to go on bed rest." I mind linked the only person I thought could help. I had a harsh laugh in response. "Have you met Alexa? She is the most stubborn woman alive. Get the doctors to talk to her seriously and make arrangements where she won't go insane. Alexa hates feeling like she's not doing anything."

"Your majesty, are you okay?" I looked to see Alexa pale. She nodded her head but I could feel how weak she actually was. "Jerome, please take Alexa to the doctors. I'll finish the meeting." Alexa didn't even try to argue. Thankfully she knew she needed some help.

When the meeting was finished, I found Alexa fast asleep in our bed. Delilah and Dorothy were standing by her, waiting for me. "Hey, how is she?"

"Exhausted. She needs to start taking it easy. That baby is going to come early otherwise. We can talk to her about what she can do when she wakes up but, she needs to be taken care of, your highness."

"May I help you Delilah?" I asked once Dorothy had left us and I had gotten my arms around Alexa awkwardly. "I want to see my sister."

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