Chapter Twelve

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I didn't care for reasoning. I didn't care that we were out in the open and anyone could see me fucking Andrew's brains out. I just wanted him. I had already had him pinned under me. Despite the lust in his eyes he was pleading for me to wait to get to our bedroom.

"You're in heat, sweetheart. Any unmated male will want to get to you. Please. You have no idea how difficult it is not to just take you now."

"You made a mistake big bad alpha, I'm going to be taking you."

"Take me then, just in our room." Andrew pleaded again making me huff. That time he didn't bother waiting. He quickly swooped me up and sprinted to get us to our bedroom. He put me down to lock the door and I was quick to pull him from there and throw him to the bed where he bounced.

I couldn't believe how horny I was. There was nothing that would stop me from taking this man. I tore Andrew's smart attire from him before tearing my clothes away. "Fuck." Andrew groaned as I crawled over him. "Ready, brute?" I purred moving to kiss the mark I had given him. "Yes sweetheart. So much, yes."


I didn't hesitate to lower myself on Andrew's hard ass cock. I dug my claws into Andrew's firm chest as I bounced on me as fast and hard as I could. I could see the look of pure bliss on Andrew's face until his eyes opened and they were red. "Darius." I breathed just for Clovis to force herself through as we were carried and pushed against the wall. Darius had kept his cock in us as he carried us. Clovis and Darius were rough beings and in the bedroom it wasn't going to be any different. Andrew and I could still feel that pleasure and connection though and I loved it.

Whilst fucking hard against the wall, I could feel my hips bruising and drawing blood, due to Darius's claws coming out. It only made Clovis scream in pleasure like I would have. After a few shattered and bedroom items from their aggressive nature both Andrew and I broke free. He had me bent over with my hands held behind my back which he pressed down.

"Oh my god! Fuck! Andrew! Fuck!" I was screaming with each powerful thrust which I was soon in control of as he moved so he was sitting on the bed with me still on him and facing away. As I started bouncing again, Andrew began kissing his mark. It only made my pleasure increase to an unbelievable amount. "Let go sweetheart. Let go and shout my name." Andrew whispered in my ear.

I didn't need to be told twice. I screamed through my oh so powerful release. My tight pussy clenched so tight on Andrew's cock it could no longer move and he was forced to cum deep inside my pussy. I cursed, not only because of the exhaustion that had come with so much pleasure but because I knew we had just had sex when I was in heat without protection.

Both of Andrew's hands made their way to their stomach. Despite how anxious the idea of having kids made me, I felt myself calm in Andrew's hold. He kissed my cheek. "Sweetheart, what ever happens it'll be okay. I love you and we can get through anything."

I felt my eyes widen. Andrew loved me? We barely knew each other. "Training for a fight starts tomorrow sweetheart if you're up for it. Heat can last a few days."

"I can't miss college, Andrew." I noticed a sly smile come from Andrew as he headed to the bathroom. I knew exactly what was going through that head of his. "Really? Ryder is nothing to me Andrew. I am yours and I've got the fucking mark to prove it. Not to mention you may have just got me pregnant. Shit you might have got me pregnant."

"Alexa, sweetheart. Calm down."

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! How can we have a child if there's a war coming? I am not doing what my parents had to do to me! It's not happening!"

I hadn't realised I was crying until I was sobbing into Andrew's chest. I felt everything crushing me down. I felt like I was drowning. I was struggling to breathe as every possible moment ran through my head. Every moment in my life, every time I questioned why my parents didn't want me, why I wasn't a wolf, why no one but Vicky gave a shit all my life.

"Hey, hey. They won't, Alexa. We have a plan in motion and I'd love you to help, you and Clovis are clearly incredible. You just need training up first." Andrew tried to calm me, wiping my tears away. "Why do I have to love you already, you brute?"

I sank my head into Andrew's chest whilst he laughed. "Stupid mate stuff." I grumbled into his chest. Honestly, though I kept saying it. I didn't actually care anymore. As Vicky told me once, I should just be grateful I found my soul mate so easily.

"Alexa, are you okay honey? If so I can come back with the bad news."

I rolled my eyes, hearing Delilah on the other side of the door. "What's up?"

"Though, the clean up did a very good job, thank god. There's an investigation going out on Marcus so we'll all be getting questioned. Just thought you should know."

I heard Delilah scurry off scared whilst I moved back to the bed and dropped. "It's one thing after another at the moment."

Andrew sighed taking a seat by me and wrapping me up in his arms. "I know but I do have some good news for you." I looked to him hopeful, just to see Andrew giving me a cheeky smile, looking up and down my naked form. "This heat of yours." Andrew started, pulling me so I was straddling him again. "Is going to get so strong and intense at times, the only way to settle is, is for us to fuck over and over again. You won't be able to think about anything other than me pleasing you."

I moaned as Andrew nipped at both my breasts. I rocked myself against him earning a groan before smashing my lips to his. None stop sex really seemed like the best thing right now. Before I could do anything more though, Andrew threw me up the bed and pinned my hands by the side of my head. "You are stunning."

Andrew started kissing me slowly this time, slowly moving his lips with mine and down my jaw to my neck. He slowly inserted himself in me, still pinning my hands down by me. Andrew switched between fast and slow thrusts, hard and tender ones. It was pissing me off. I knew he was trying to appreciate everything moment without me but I just wanted to be fucked.  "Just fuck me already."

Finally Andrew became the animal I wanted to be as he moved hard and fast, pounding in the deepest parts of my channel and making me scream and cry out in pleasure. I wanted to claw at his back but he wouldn't let me. Instead I had to settle for squeezing his hands tightly.

My back arced and toes curled as Andrew angled his hips and hit my g-spot repeatedly until I was a quivering mess of a woman under him and screaming out his name as I came around him.

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