Chapter Thirteen

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I had hidden myself away in the library since the revaluation of who Alexa was to the werewolf kind. I was only human but I had to do something to help. Since we were thirteen I had been hoping Alexa would return to the life with her own kind, taking me with her but, never have I hoped that things would be such a mess.

I couldn't even imagine how Alexa was feeling with all this going on. Even with my dad being dead, killed, by her; I knew she was going through worse and I wanted to help. Being human and clueless to all this, I felt helpless, useless. If I was good at anything, it was research, any kind of research.

"Vicky?" I heard my mum's soft tone as my head was just about ready to drop on the table from exhaustion. Thankfully, Daniel had been busy the entire day with the warriors whilst Andrew saw to Alexa after that meeting. "Hey."

"What are you doing, honey? Go to bed." My mum said softly by my side with her hand on my back. "I need to help."

"You are helping, by being there for Alexa but, you are not going to help anyone with being exhausted." My mum reassured me trying to get me to my wobbly feet. "It's not enough."

"Vicky, I will help you okay but, you need some rest."

I felt myself drop, overcome with the exhaustion. When I remotely came to, I was being carried like a baby in the strong arms of Daniel. I felt settled having the familiar musky scent, I hummed snuggling into him. "Let's get you to bed, little one."

Come morning, I was up before Daniel and ready to escape to the library when I was suddenly pulled back into the bed and pinned down. "Where are you going, little one?"


Daniel moved his lips to my neck giving it and open mouthed kiss. "No, little one. You need your rest." He hummed against my neck. I sighed. "But I want to help, Danny." Daniel pushed himself to look me in the eye with a small smile. "Vicky, you are helping and I love how much you care about your friend. You are an amazing woman, but I love you too much to let you work yourself to an early grave. Sleep, little one. You can do some research on a bit. Okay?"

"Fine. Only if you stay with me."

"I think I can manage that."

It seemed that both, myself and Alexa could only escape our other halves on Monday when we had college. Much to Daniel and Andrew's dismay we had to go. Missing Friday was already bad enough, especially now an investigation was ongoing for my dad going missing.

Andrew and Daniel dropped us off, and Alexa and I didn't miss the lustful gazes they got from passing students. Neither payed any attention which made my day but I could tell, Alexa was ready to attack any girl who tried anything. "I'll see you the second you're done, little one." I chuckled. "Just because I'm the human does not mean I'm, the little one." Daniel brushed his nose against mine. "Mhmm, well, we'll have to talk about that one. Be good, or Ezra may just come out later."

"You know that's no threat."

Before I could start teasing Daniel, Alexa was dragging me into the building. I noticed how Daniel laughed but Andrew was sulking. "Everything okay?"

"I'm just hoping for some sort of normality today." Alexa admitted but, I knew there was something more. She wasn't telling me something. I only needed to raise an eyebrow at my cousin for her to open up. "Ryder may have asked me to date him instead when Andrew and I went out. Andrew obviously wants to rip his arms off his body if he does anything and, wants me to stay away. Anyway, I best go. Love you, see you later."

I sighed. I had actually lied about my classes today. I only had two but figured I'd come and go when Alexa did, spending my free time in the library. I knew the information there would be limited and most likely inaccurate but, I needed peace to do it. If I could find the tiniest bit of information I felt like I'd feel like I was helping at least a bit.

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