Chapter Nine

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"What do you mean I can't tell her?" I screeched in Daniel's direction as we stood in our bedroom for privacy. Alexa had been through enough already, she deserved to know everything about her parents and who she is to the wolf community. She was in danger, had always been in danger. How could this be kept from her?

"Exactly that." This was not I was expecting when it came to having a mate. Daniel was infuriating and getting on my last nerve. He hated me talking to any other male and his possessiveness is what made me run off to the woods in the first place.

We mated so quickly because I thought it was the right thing but, I was starting to regret it. I didn't care how my body craved for him, how all of me craved for him. He was an ass. "Give me a proper answer, Daniel or so help me I will tell her and then run off just like I did when I was almost killed." I snapped at him crossing my arms.

He was annoyed, I could feel it. He hated that he was mated with a human and one that wasn't a virgin at that. Hypocrite. Daniel huffed out a breath and took a seat on our bed, running a hand through his shaggy brown hair.

"You more than anyone know how unstable Clovis is and, how Alexa doesn't have the best control on her."

"Yeah, so?"

"Clovis wouldn't think twice about going on the war path to get to the prison some of our kind our still held, Alexa seems to be too against war to even try. So, if we told Alexa the truth, we are worried that Clovis would be uncontrollable. She is a powerful wolf and with training she'll find her true potential. However, until Alexa and Clovis become a team and don't keep butting heads. We can't risk anyone's safety."

I understood but I still found myself annoyed. "What about Alexa's safety?"

"She's our Luna, everyone in this pack would put their lives on the line if it meant keeping her safe, myself included."

I felt a sharp pain in my chest at the thought of Daniel dying to protect Alexa. He knew it too as he gave me a small smile before making his way to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping his hazel eyes connecting with my brown ones. "It is in everyone's best interest if Alexa doesn't know yet."

I sighed. I hated keeping things from Alexa but, the fact Clovis took control and killed my dad was proof that it was the right thing to do. "I hate you." I grumbled making Daniel laugh at me. "What? You hate me too." I noticed his eyes furrow as he realised I was being serious, despite how my body disagreed. "What makes you think that?"

I pulled away feeling very self conscious all of a sudden. I wrapped my arms around myself and sat curled up at the headboard of the bed. "You hate that I don't have a wolf, that I wasn't a virgin when we met, that I'm not as freakishly hot as the other women around here."

Daniel surprised me by crawling up the bed, grabbing my heels and pulling me down so I was on my back. I squeaked. "Don't you ever think that. I know I'm a dick ninety percent of the time but, never think that I don't want to be with you. I want to be a better man. I have grown up a grumpy bastard thinking I'd never find my mate because I'm not as important as Jerome and Andrew so, you have no idea how grateful for having you, even if your mum wants to kill me."

I giggled at that, enjoying how sincere and sweet Daniel was being as he hovered over me. "It's obviously new to me too, hence why I got so caught up with the mating process."

"Hey, I'm not complaining. In fact."

I laughed at Daniel's cheekiness before he kissed all around my face. It soon changed to moaning as Daniel kissed my mark that had claimed me as his. He chuckled. " I will never get tired of hearing your moans , giggles or sarcastic comments." Daniel hummed moving his lips to mine.

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