Chapter Twenty-Three

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Frustration was just one emotion I was feeling. I had apparently been asleep for two days thanks to my exhaustion and I ended up missing out on the day with my parents. Not to mention, I was now on bed rest. Delilah ended up taking my spot, and like my dad I was having to join the meeting via zoom. I even had Vicky by my side to make sure I stayed put.

According to Vicky, Delilah's interaction with my parents wasn't exactly great. The truth about my upbringing came to light and they weren't exactly happy about it. The interaction didn't last long. I still was jealous I wanted to be with my parents finally.  

"It wasn't long until the meeting so at least I could see my dad via zoom but it wasn't the same. Andrew had promised to make arrangements where I could be on bed rest in their current home for the day but, I just wanted a normal relationship with them. I admired and appreciated my dad being very upfront about how his wolf is feeling. I just wanted to get past this bit of combining covens and packs.

"Have you and Andrew thought about any names? Daniel and I can't seem to agree on any." Vicky spoke up whilst I stared ahead in silence. I felt useless. I hated it so much. "We've got three possibilities." I told Vicky decided it was good for me to play ball and distract myself. "Iris Katrina Knight, Tiana Katrina Knight or Faith Katrina Knight." I smiled. I was leaning closer to Faith but Andrew and I had agreed to wait until she was born.

"No Victoria in the name, how dare you."  Vicky gasped dramatically. I rolled my eyes with a small smile. Victoria had come up in conversation but, we agreed it would be the middle name if we had another daughter. Vicky didn't need to know that right now, though.

"Damn, the meeting. Let's get online, your majesty." I groaned, I don't think I would ever get used to that title. Vicky laughed at me. "Afternoon everyone, talking to us via zoom is Queen Alexa as she has to be on bed rest."

"Against my will, I'll add." I quickly inputted and there were a few chuckles. "And the previous King Rory Moon. He's not comfortable in being released just yet due to his wolf however, he has information regarding a recent prisoner, as a warning."

All through Andrew's introduction, my dad rolled his eyes. He could have said this all himself, he probably wanted to get, Andrew didn't let him. He had to be the one in control of the meeting.

"Thank you, Andrew. This is about the previous Alpha Ethan Knight." My dad didn't bother to stop to allow the shocked mutters disrupt his reason for talking. "Ethan set up the war. He wanted the war to happen long enough for me to be killed. He got rogues to attack the covens and he failed to realise how dangerous they could actually be. I saved his life when they turned on him. This immediately stopped what would have made him the next king. With me out of the picture he was and that was him not realising that Katrina and I had, had Alexa." He smiled.

"Ethan clearly is not aware that he is no longer in line for the throne with his injury but will still kill anyone who may be in his way, family included."

"What do you suggest your highness?" One of the members of the coven asked. We all knew no matter how little chance there was, that Ethan's waist down could heel, that it could and if it did. We'd all be in serious danger, even with him being in captivity. "He needs to be put down."

"Dad!" I snapped absolutely mortified. The whole reason for the merger of covens and packs was to spare blood. I did not want any spilt. "Baby girl, if he isn't and he recovers it will take an army to take him down and it could be at any moment. What I suggest is do a lock down for all magical beings and pack members and let us prisoners out for a day with him on the loose. We get to let our wolves be free for an entire day and he'll be eliminated."

Blood, it always seemed to be the answer before and during the war. It was still the same until I came along. It was clear as all those involved in the meeting seemed to nod in agreement. "Taking precautions for the safety of the kingdom I am happy for all the wolves to be free to roam and run for a day or two, gathered it's easy to get them back to their living spaces. It would help move forward with their release. As for Ethan Knight."

"Kill him." I had Clovis in my head. "Kill him. If he doesn't die more lives than just his could be lost, including everyone you love."

I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. "As this is a rare case where more lives would be lost if he's not "taken care of" I agree. So, Kristin, are you and your coven able to whip up some precautions for your people for this weekend or maybe next?"

"Yes, I would appreciate if we could have warriors located in the properties of our kind as well."

"Im sure we can arrange that."

It was hurting, feeling how torn Andrew was. He was miserable knowing what was to come of his dad but, he knew I would have never agreed if I didn't feel like it was necessary. I just hoped that Iris would come to me to agree. I hated knowing that I had just agreed to basically sentence a man to his death.

"We'll start arrangements straight away on our end for Friday and they can return to their living quarters on the Sunday night. We need to get all our people prepared."

I fell back to the bed after the meeting. I felt drained. I felt guilty. I just wanted to fast forward to when we were at a place of peace or at least, more peace. "You okay?"

"Someone is going to have to tell Harriet and his other kids. I can't believe I've just agreed to this." I sighed running my hands over my face. "Think about it this way, you are protecting your baby. Your pup. Ethan would have killed all of you, if he had chance."

"Andrew. Please take us to the Blue Moon war zone. I want to see if I can see Iris again for some guidance." I mine linked him, just nodding to Vicky. I didn't really know what to say to her. I just wanted to know everything my dad said was true. "Okay. I feel like I could do with some too. Get dressed and I'll be with you soon."

Andrew drove us to where I had first met the moon goddess. It was more difficult being here this time due to my waddling and Andrew having to take in all the traumatic sights for the first time. I guided him to the thrones where again she sat with a small smile. I felt the shock rush through him.

"I was expecting you both to come here. Congratulations by the way." I squeezed Andrew's hand. "Thank you. Is what my dad saying true?" Iris sighed making her way over to us, just to guide me to a throne and sit down. "Sadly, yes. Andrew; please take a seat and I'll show you both."

First we saw Ethan doing research on the royal family and finding out that if my dad were to die before having a baby, he'd become ruler. A devious grin made its way to his lips.

"I need you all to start attacking our pack and the coven nearby. I need a war to start." Was what we heard next with Ethan telling it to a few shady looking people outside the border of the pack. "What's in it for us?"

"The king dies and I can take over and make sure you all get the lives you deserve."

I felt Andrew take my hand and dig his nails into mine. This couldn't have been easy for him to see. We had to witness the battle and his dad find it amusing how he didn't have to do anything. All until he was attacked for what ever reason. He would have died if it weren't for my dad but because of him, my dad had been set up and caught by the coven.

When we came back to the present Iris was looking at us with teary eyes. "Like you, Alexa I hate the idea of blood being shed. It's the last thing I want. It's why I mated him with a human, I hoped it would make him a better person but he's only ever wanted power. He is very close to being recovered and if he is, it will take a lot to take him down, with more blood being spilt. Possibly yours and this little one's. He needs to be seen to, Alexa. I'm sorry."

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