Chapter Five

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I must have fallen asleep during my crying fit. I had woken up in what I remembered was Andrew's bedroom, his dark, dull bedroom. I wasn't too surprised to smile that amazing scent next to me considering this was his room, and I was his mate.

"Hey, you feeling better?" I glanced up at Andrew who only looked down at me with concern. I hated it. I hated people being concerned for me. I wasn't used to it. Vicky was the only person who ever felt anything towards me that wasn't hate and I had just killed her dad.


"We'll, it's almost time for dinner and I believe your aunt wants to talk to us." Andrew spoke with distaste about my aunt. He must have realised she was my foster mum and it didn't need to take a genius to know he didn't like her either after my up bringing.

"Okay." I still felt relatively numb. Everything wasn't making sense. It was too much but I didn't feel up to getting all the information. I felt like my brain was going to explode.

I found myself staring out of the window and at the woods when I felt Andrew's arms around me. It was frustrating that I found his touch so settling. It wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to be able to settle myself. I heard Clovis scoff in my head. "And you say I'm stubborn."

"Everything is going to be okay, Alexa. I promise."

I hadn't realised that I had placed my hands on his until Andrew kissed my cheek. That electric feeling I was starting to know shot through my body and I felt home. "I need help controlling Clovis." I spoke suddenly, I heard Clovis snarl at me but, I ignored her. She had no right to be pissy with me.

Andrew turned me around to cup my cheeks and look me in the eye as he spoke to me. He could see my pain, my anger, my hesitance. I wasn't the me I wanted to be, that he needed to be. I shouldn't have been here but, I needed to control Clovis before this happened again.

"We will start training tomorrow okay? We best get going to dinner." Andrew told me before kissing my head. I nodded it weakly and let him take my hand to guide me down to the dining room where Daniel sat uncontrollably next to Vicky whilst Delilah glared at him. There was also another couple I had never seen but the woman gave me a huge smile which was nice and warming.

"Alexa, this is my Beta Jerome and his mate, Mandy. You've briefly met my gamma Daniel. I believe you may of attacked him." Andrew chuckled at Daniel's expense pulling out a chair for me next to Vicky. For the first time ever, I was not comfortable sitting by her. "Are you okay?" She asked lightly. I just glanced up to Delilah who gave me a weak smile. I know she said Marcus was abusive but, shouldn't she still hate me?


"Okay Delilah, we're all here. Talk."

Delilah rolled her eyes at Andrew's firm words. It amazed me that she still wasn't fazed by him and the other wolves. They could easily tear her to shreds but she didn't seem to care.

"I came to bring my niece, Alexa here. My sister was or is Alexa's mum, Katrina Moon. She came to me seventeen years ago wanting me to be a guardian for Alexa."

"Why bring her now? The war ended fourteen years ago." Jerome asked, giving Delilah the stink eye. If it weren't for Vicky and I, it was clear that she wouldn't have been welcome here. "Because no one came to get her like my sister said they would. Now she's come of age of finding a mate; I figured it was time. Plus, my husband was just about ready to kill her."

Delilah made eye contact with me and I shrunk my head in my shoulders. Andrew's large hand covered mine as I heard Vicky's shocked response. "Are you serious mum? Clovis is untameable when someone tries to hurt Alexa. She'd kill him."

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