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I opened my eyes letting out a hiss.

I huffed as I blocked my ears with the pillow,the birds were chirping way too loudly and not to forget the sun light peeking from the window.My room doesn't have a curtain,I want to close the window but it is so hot.

Their is no Air conditioner here,it is only a fan and right now their is no light supply.I know I shouldn't be comparing my old life with this new one but I can't help it.

I am used to been in a room with blissfully on Air conditioner,summer will come and pass and we on the other hand won't even know unless we step out. Letting out an exasperated sigh I let my head hit the pillow yet again trying to go back to sleep.

At first, I heard hushed voices and then they became loud.

I stood up and hurriedly went out of the house to see the source of the noise.My eyes were greeted with many tenants of the house.

Those people are really gossipers.No offense I am also one of them since am also curious.But hey! The noise is coming from our neighbors.

"What is happening?" I questioned one of the women "It is just their couple fights." She replied distractedly.

Couple fights?

It seems like they are used to it.

"I paid for Garzali's school fees last term,you must pay this time!" The woman shouted as she threw a frying pan at him which the man dodged wisely "I don't have money,it is not like I will sell myself to get money."

"Do that!" She shouted throwing a serving spoon at him.

This woman is aggressive,woah.

Everyone just stared at them,nobody made an effort to stop them from fighting,it was just like they were enjoying the show.

"You must pay his school fees this time around and you must pay me all the money I owe you." She stated.

I decided to just leave the place, I am already tired of the show.I pushed myself through the crowd that formed and left the place.I was starting to feel suffocated already.

I walked into our house and went straight to my room,hopefully to get back to sleep.

It is too early for this.I checked the time with my phone and a gasp left my mouth.It is just 7:30am and all the tenants are awake.

I just hope this doesn't happen everyday.

I cannot give up my morning sleep everyday.I usually wake up by 11:00am.

Lying down on the bed, I let a smile caress my lips trying to go back to sleep.I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to welcome my soul but different noises kept disrupting me.

"This is so unfair!" I shouted sitting up.I was on the verge of tears.I love sleeping,my morning sleep holds a very close place to my heart but it had been not fairly snatched away from me today.

Just because they woke up doesn't mean everyone should wake up.I wonder how the rest of my family are coping with this.

My eyes scrutinize the room,my small bed is brown in color,then one bed side,then a dressing mirror.The room is so small so it couldn't take the wardrobe I came with,so my clothes are inside a box on the floor,a small short bookshelf was on the other side of my dressing mirror.That is all about the room.

My legs hit the ground and I walked out of the room, I met Al'amin walking around the parlor like he is looking for something "Good morning Aunty M." He greeted and I smiled at him nodding my head "Looking for something?" I questioned and he nod his head "I am looking for the bottle water.I am thirsty." He stated.

"Their is none left," I stated sitting down on the chair "We used them all for toilet use yesterday."

Yesterday,their was no water in the toilet so we had to use our bottle water for toilet use,now we have none left.About the lack of water,Abba said he will talk to the landlord about it.

He slumped on the chair tiredly "Gosh!"

Letting out a sigh I stared at him "I don't know how we will cope with this,Lamin." I stated at the brim of tears "This life is completely different from the one we are used to.This place,the people and everything is new to us."

I let out a frustrated sigh "I don't know how we will handle it."

Al'amin also let out a sigh as he pat my shoulder softly "Aunty M,we can do this.We have to be strong for Abba and Ammi."

I nod my head and he wipe my tears smiling a little.Bashir stepped out of the room yawning as he slump down on the chair adjacent to mine "Good morning Aunty M."

"Morning." I replied smiling at him.

Silence enveloped all of us and it was the growling of Bashir's stomach that made us turn to him,letting out a little chuckle I teasingly stared at him before mouthing "Someone is hungry."

He let out an annoyed sigh as he nod his head "I am in need of hot chocolate."

Al'amin popped in quickly "And I am in need of coffee." He whined making me laugh.

Well, I also need a hot tea right now.I need to take it in my balcony with the scents of my planted flowers hitting my nostrils while I read a down to earth novel.

But well,a girl can only wish!

My life isn't the same anymore,it is taking a different turn-not in a good way.

Ammi and Abba walked out of their room and we all chorused "Good morning."

Abba stepped out of the house while Ammi plop on one of the chairs "What are we having for breakfast?" Bashir questioned,Ammi kept quite for a moment before she murmured "Pap and akara."

The tinge of surprise that went through me jolted me up "What?"

Don't get me wrong,we take akara and pap even in our old house but it is really rare.We all don't like it.

"We don't have a stove or gas,so your father will buy pap and akara from the woman making it outside for now."

I nod my head trying to act like I understand and that I am fine with it.

But many things are running in my mind especially the question;

What is happening?

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