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Ramlah dropped by earlier,she apologized to me about what happened.I didn't even want to talk about it,the memory is so depressing that I don't want anything that have to do with it.

She thanked me for trying to save her and also told me that the matter is under control now,her parents have finally agreed with her.

The case have been reported to the police station and everything is coming back to normal now.Ramlah still seems traumatized due to the incidents,of course she will move on with her life but it will be hard.She will definitely be scared of guys in general, she will be scared to fall in love.Thinking about all those things give me a headache.

I am happy that she finally mustered up the courage to forget about him,put everything that happened in the wast bin.

I turned my attention to Ammi who was cutting onions.We are currently cooking in the kitchen,I burnt my hand again! I am still scared of using the matches.God! Everything is just so freaking hard!

I watched a tutorial of how to prepare Tuwo and okra soup,that is what we are making today.After the tutorial I thought I am pretty good at it but making it is hard.Who am I actually thinking? Thank God Ammi is here to help me out and guide me.I would have made something un edible again.

Ammi finished cutting the onion and pass it to me which I kept on the floor,we are making stew to keep for later use.

"Your father is trying to start a cement business,new buildings are just about to be done in this area and their is no cement shop near.It will be a good idea if he opens his own cement shop." I nod my head knowing that it will be profitable.

"He have the money to start it?" I question stirring the stew as I put the sliced onion,she nod her head "It will be enough for him for a medium shop.He can manage that for now."

It is a good idea,even after leaving this place he can still continue to operate the cement business here if it turns out to be a success.

We started hearing high voices and I just hiss in exasperation "Afternoon fight for today."

In all honesty, I am getting used to their fights.They fight every single day and it gets on my skin.

I stand up to go and check.Yes, I don't want to hear the gist, I want to see it with my own eyes.

Closing the door behind me, I found the little usual crowd already there.I pushed myself through until when I could see them.

Garzali's mother wiped her tears as she tried to talk but her voice kept cracking.A little part of my heart twitch,it must hurt a lot to have an irresponsible husband whose presence only adds more to your pain.

Today's fight looks serious,she have never cried during fights until today "I was saving that money for our house rent,but you stole it."

She heaved a sigh as she began throwing things at him "Why?!"

The husband looks guilty for once as he strode towards her "I will pay you."

She pushed him back "You never pay!"

"I am doing everything for us! I wake up early in the morning to sell akara and pap,just so that we never lose something to eat for that day.I do all those little business just to earn money for us.What do you do? You steal my money to gamble and drink alcohol.If you can't wipe my tears then don't add more to my pain."

She wiped her tears yet again "Garzali is always sad because of our fights.I try not to fight with you but you always render me helpless.You leave me with no choice!"

My eyes started to fill with tears, I really pity this woman.She is a strong woman indeed and seeing her break is heartbreaking.

Murmurs started to fill my ears and it felt like they were all moving for someone to pass.I turned around and came face to face with Maina.

"Even you too?" His voice sounded disappointed as he glared at me.A look of confusion rose in my eyes as I stare back at him.

"If you can't turn off the fire,don't watch it blaze." I was confused at first but since I am pretty good at catching on quickly.I grasped what he meant.

One by one,everyone of the tenants went back to their own business.

I took that as my cue to also leave "Mariam."

What again?

I turn around raising my eyebrow at him "You are good at talking,at least use it now."

Okay he definitely takes me as a chatterbox who just talk without filter and yes, I do.I won't try to deny it.

"What do you mean?" I question fiddling with my hands and he just narrowed his eyes at me "Let's go in."

Okay,say wetin?

Gosh this guy is sort of annoying!

We walked into the house and sat down.

Maina glared at the husband "Be a man."

"Go out and work hard to provide for your wife and son,they are your family,stop doing all those stupid things like gambling and drinking.Do something worthy of acknowledgement."

He state,he looked angry and confused all together.

"Stop showcasing your personal life in front of everyone.What happened to having a house? Can't you two fight in here? Does anyone need to know what is happening between you two?"

He glanced at the wife then the husband "I don't want this to ever repeat itself again."

They both hurriedly nod their head while I sit back quietly enjoying the show.

"Baban Garzali,you should better let your life take a good turn,you are not getting younger and you are sensible enough to know that what you are doing is wrong."

Maina let out a sigh clutching his eyes tightly "If not for your own sake.Do it for the sake of your son."

"It is so traumatizing to see your parents fighting all the time.Trust me, I know how it feels."

I stared at Maina,even when he looked at me raising his eyebrow,I didn't let my eyes off him.I wanted to know him.

The secrets of Maina Jalo which he is hiding seems interesting to me.

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