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Holding the bucket tightly, I stared at Al'amin who was laughing as he watch a funny video from his phone.

Bashir rolled his eyes standing at the other side. Someone poked me and I turn around,my face lit up immediately after seeing the face "Good morning,Grandma Tee." I greeted a little too enthusiastic,she narrowed her eyes at me without any trace of play in her eyes "How did you know me?"

I smiled dusting my gown "We are the new tenants that moved here.I have heard a lot of good things about you so....."

Her face lit up "So they say good things about me?"

Her whole attention is now on me "Yes,they even told me about your diary and I really find that cute."

She smiled whole heartedly at me "It is cute.It is all thanks to my husband though,he reminds me things I have forgotten and he buys me a new book when the one I am using finishes." She replied smiling slightly "He is such an amazing man."

"Awwn,despite that you still knock his head when he tries to doze off." I stated laughing and she got the joke closing her face "I want him to keep talking or looking at me,so I don't like it when he doze off." She replied still laughing.

Y'all wondering what I am doing? I am trying to be friendly with the tenants for a more fruitful living in this estate.

"Well you should let him doze off sometimes."

She shook her head "Unless we are dozing off together."

We continued talking and she even told me about her grandson whom she so much adore,she said she will hook me up with him and stuffs.

Turns out the grandson is only 10 years old!

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and hiss when she told me but I laughed nevertheless because it is sort of funny.

I carried my bucket full of water and walked back to our house.I am getting used to it now,it is still hard but it is getting less harder everyday.

"Mariam," I heard a voice and I turned around to meet the familiar face "Hi." He is wearing a short and a vest,he seems to be coming back from a run.

He walked towards me and stood right in front of me "Good morning." He stated with his usual lopsided smile.

"I can help with that." He state pointing at the bucket of water as he swiftly carry it "It is actually fine." I reply but smiled nevertheless.

"I have a question."

He narrowed his gaze at me "Hope you are not asking my favorite color?" I rolled my eyes shaking my head "No,of course."

"Okay then,go on."

I braced myself for the question as I let my eyes bore into his,to see the sincerity in his eyes while he answer "Why do you smoke?"

The little smile he had on his face faded,it made my heart sink a little.I have always seen him smile,I just hope my curiosity didn't render and ruin his mood.

After a few seconds,his lopsided smile came back and it was like it never happened.It was like my question didn't make him speechless and most of all,it was like it never affected him.

"This is definitely because of what I said the other day." He mumbled staring at me before he shrug "It is personal."

I nod my head in understanding letting out a sigh "I am sorry to say but no matter what the case might be,smoking can never be the solution."

He chuckled a little but I knew that their was a little secret,a little tinge of sadness under-covering this chuckle.

"Everyone goes through rough patches.Smoking shouldn't be your resting point."

He seemed to be holding himself back from doing something,he seemed angry and he kept clenching and unclenching his fist.

He is not punching me is he?

I didn't go overboard,did I?

Well yes I did,whatever he do is none of my freaking business.

The anger on his face vanished while I try to steady myself "You amaze me,Mariam." He stated with his usual lopsided smile.

"And you are a mystery I want to unravel."

He let out a little laugh letting his eyes roam around the floor before casting them back on me "You never asked but the name is Maina."

I never actually deemed it important to know his name,I just rambled about things I shouldn't have and also poked my nose into things that are none of my business.

"And about being a mystery you want to badly unravel.Don't try Mariam." He walked away letting me stand there like some sort of an idol.I realized that he have carried the bucket of water which I have totally forgotten about with him and I ran after him trying to catch up with him.

We walked quietly till we reached our apartment,he kept the bucket of water flexing his muscles and.....

Oh boy!

Well I took my eyes off him.He looks like a total gym freak,so 6 packs and all.

*Clears throat.

"Thanks." I mumbled slowly and he gave me his million dollar smile.


I didn't need to fight over the name anymore, I feel like it suits me better.

Ugh, I mean like the name is sweet and have you heard the way he pronounce it? You will definitely fall in love with too.

"Bye,Maina." I replied after he have already start walking off.

I walked into the house and Ammi kept her curious gazek on me "You took long." She state staring at me and I cast my eyes down "Ugh, I was actually just...."

Okay say what now?

I suck at lying.

"I was with Maina.The tenant at the last apartment here." I said truthfully and Abba quipped in "Maina Jalo?"

Maina Jalo? I know that name.

I have heard of it somewhere.

Cracking up my brain to remember,my memory lane light up and bingo!

God! He is the one Ramlah told me about,the son of the owner of this estate.Gosh! Why am I just stupidly remembering this right now?

"Yes,him.." It came out more like a question "He helped me carry the bucket like a gentleman." I explained smiling at my own tactics.

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