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We stood in front of the house just after ours to the left "This is the Garzali's parents center." Ramlah stated.

"The couples are always fighting early in the morning.The father is a gambler and also a drunkard,he depends on what his wife earns.The mother sells akara and pap every morning." She stated as I scrutinize the people in the house.

They are the couples that had a fight yesterday,I heard their voices today too but I was too tired to wake up. "So their fights are daily?" I questioned and she nod her head.

"What about their son?" I mumbled "The fights are mostly always about him.His school fees,the clothes he wears and all.The son seems to be depressed due to his parent's fight.Poor boy is now so quite and disturbed." She stated shrugging.

She passed me a lollipop and I smiled at her before shoving it in my mouth, I twirled it on my tongue relishing the sweetness as we walk.

"This is Mr Dauda's Laundromat.He lives here and also do his laundry business here." Peeking in,I saw a middle aged man ironing as he twirl his hips.

Ramlah pointed at the picture of a lady whom the man is currently watching as he talk "This is his late wife.He is crazily in love with her so he always talks to her picture.Well,just an old lovestruck sad and lonely middle aged man who uses his laundry business to escape reality." She stated chuckling and I nod my head sucking on my lollipop.

She is right,their is more to Jalo estate than people know.Their are people that are suffering from life in here,their are people trying to be fine in here.Their is more to what we see.

We walked further and stopped in front of another house,I peeked and saw and old woman writing near the window while an old man was beside her trying to figure out what she is writing.

This is so cute.An old couple.

"This is Granny Tee and Granpa Ali's house."

"They are couples.Granny Tee owns a diary which she writes what happens everyday on it while her husband Grandpa Ali help her in remembering what happened that day in case she have forgotten.They are so cute huh?" I nod my head smiling as I watch the old woman pinch the old man who was dozing off.

This woman is the one who fought with Bashir at the borehole yesterday "Granny Tee quite have a hot temper,so you should be careful if you stumble into her."

I smiled nodding my head and we stopped in front of another building "This is Cook Ruky's house.She have a restaurant downstairs.Her husband ran away and left her with three kids so she have to take care of them.The woman can talk for Africa,she can talk from now to tomorrow's morning without getting tired.If you want to stay in peace with her then don't touch her extremely stubborn kids." I nod my head notting that down internally.I really can't stand stubborn kids but I will manage.

The woman sight us and waved her hand smiling "Good day Aunty Ruks." Ramlah stated smiling as she drag me forward "Let's go before she comes out.I don't want to have hurting ears today."

I let out a laugh at the way she was terrified "It can't be that bad." I stated laughing "Trust me,it is."

We walked down the stairs and stood in front of the first house "This house is a kidnapper's house.He lives alone and rarely stay here but he comes once in a while."

My eyes bulged as my curiosity piqued "A real kidnapper?" I questioned and she nod her head "He have once kidnapped Aunty Ruks child."

My heart hammered on my chest "Everyone is scared of him.Stay out of his business and you are cool." She whispered and I nod my head in understanding.

We walked to the next house and stood there "This house belongs to a lawyer.He is a workaholic and when his wife complains he beat her up.He hates her because she cannot give birth."

I hissed annoyed.Some men can be way too brutal.

"No one have ever took a stand for her?" I questioned and she calculated her words before spilling them out "If you talk,he will beat you up together with the wife."

I let out a sarcastic laugh rolling my eyes as I eye the building.

"I have noticed something,The members of this place don't take stand for each other.Why?"

"We all believe that it is none of our business." She replied "Then what is the essence of living together if we can't help one another?"

Ramlah chewed her lips and stared at me letting out a sigh "Aunty M,don't poke your nose in any problem here.If not,you are buying a free ticket of being hated in this estate."

Argh! I am getting frustrated.I faked a smile at her and nod my head before we continued walking.

"This is Aunty Ruks restaurant." She stated and I nod my head as we walk further.

"This is a provision store.It is owned by the owners of the next door house." I stepped in and bought water because I am thirsty before we walked further.

"They are nice people.They lost their only child recently so they are going through a rough patch for now."

We walked further and stood in front of another house,I closed my nose due to the bad smell coming from inside "A bunch of rich collage guys live here.They drink and smoke like all those bad guys.Just don't get in their way."

I nod my head motioning for her to get me out of here.

Ramlah smiled as she spread her hands "This is all about Jalo estate.A little world."

"Their are shops outside too but we can check them out some other day.You look tired already." I nod my head.

We silently walked upstairs and she shout making me turn terrified "I forgot something." She stated dragging me to the last building of upstairs.

"This is Maina's house.The son of the owner of this estate.He moved here recently,he is so handsome and he also drives a Lamborghini! He is such a mystery I want to unfold.We rarely see him and he doesn't talk to anyone."

I nod my head taking in all the information.

"Why would he come here when his father is the owner?"

"Well,that is something I don't know."

I let out a sigh nodding my head in understanding as I sip my water "What about you?"

Ramlah gave me a cheeky smile as she opened her mouth to reply.

"I am a prostitute."

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